How are you trying to enter moves? At the moment we do it like this:
- Go to the tournament page ( I assume you have done that )
- Open up the CROSS TABLE - by clicking on SHOW CROSSTABLE
- Click on a game where it's your move. These games are marked in a light green colour and when you hover over those games you see a message about the last move played
- Play your move - DONT CLICK THE BOARD. Just look at the board and then scroll down to add your move in writing
For now just tell me about games with red borders
and I will fix them by checking the real moves with the players.
Soon this problem should disappear because all moves will be validated
One way we can track down incorrect move notation is to place more diagrams using $220 Every $220 in the game becomes a chess board diagram, when we have more diagrams we can see where the game went wrong
One way we can track down incorrect move notation is to place more diagrams using $220 Every $220 in the game becomes a chess board diagram, when we have more diagrams we can see where the game went wrong
Resigning a game
Resigning is not allowed on Chesspub -
Remember that ChessPub is a very primitive site but it's learning more and more each day.
Soon you will be able to resign by telling a controller
and that controller fills in the game heading where it says : [Result = 1-0]
The game header has some specific values such as [Result = 1/2-1/2]
and these values are all contained at the top and all start and end with square brackets
1270 library findViewPath View File not found in Biscuits a-z views.
View Path : /home/leonwool/public_html/biscuits/biscuits-28b/views/c-views/chess-navpills.php
1291 library findViewPath viewPath /home/leonwool/public_html/biscuits/biscuits-28b/views/chess-navpills.php
1270 library findViewPath View File not found in Biscuits a-z views.
View Path : /home/leonwool/public_html/biscuits/biscuits-28b/views/c-views/chess-navpills.php
1291 library findViewPath viewPath /home/leonwool/public_html/biscuits/biscuits-28b/views/chess-navpills.php
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