Tasks are open to anyone who can help. Use the text chat or comments or contact form to let us know if you are ready and able to join us. 💬 Tasks are in order of most recently edited, so that you can always see the current work right at the top of the list. Tasks may involve social work as well as web development fixes.
Site Visitors 👪 👫 Blocked Visitors ⛔1 word-games
2 course-grades
3 access-restrictions
4 podcasts-and-audio-player
5 wordties-quick-cut
6 remove-email-address
7 essential-work
8 path-links-validated-404
9 etbot
10 chat-select-conversation
11 dp-date-picker
12 stop-the-bots
13 login-automatically
14 redirect-infinite-loop
15 view-not-download
16 profile-photo
17 mobile-phones
18 get-user-media
tasks Comments