Music ABC Tools and Tune Library
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I'd like to move away from long drawn out soloing over chords, towards far more phrasing and responding with mostly shorter improvised passages.
One idea is to build up a composed performance starting with simple beginnings and gradually add more and more to it each time
Jazz, especially "modern jazz", tends to be too indulgent, with long solos. Good music should lean more on the connections within a band. There are so many benefits of this approach. Not least being that you don't need tremendous flashy skills, just a good tone supporting the band,
So called "Trad" jazz, as they say in Britain, does involve a lot of "ensemble" that is far less common in "modern jazz"
We will not religiously follow any "genre". Instead, we'll think about what works best for us. Trad jazz has some elements that I prefer not to follow, for example nearly always following a trumpet lead and following a set formula. Also , too many AABA forms
General Principle We should look for our way. Drawing on aspects of past styles without mindlessly following them trying to create an exact copy of past times.
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