X:1 T:Blue Bossa (Sax) C:Tenor Sax M:4/4 L:1/8 K:F R: 8 bars intro A16 B16 %pad=leonwool,blakes-trio,moontwinkle% "[A]" |: "Dm6" -a3 g f=e zd\ |-d4 z c2 _B\ |"Gm7"-B4za2 g\ |"C7" -g8| "Em7(b5)" -g3 f =e2d2 z c\ |"A7(#9#5)" -c4 z _B2 A\ | "Dm6" -A4 z g2f|-f8| [K:Eb] "Fm7" f3 _e dc z B\ |"Bb7"-B4 z _A2 A-\ | "Ebmaj7" A3Gc3B|B8| [K:Bb] "Em7(b5)" _B2 =Ac -c2 _B\ |"A7(#9#5)" _B2 Ac-c3 _B\ |"Dm6" =A8|-A6 A:| [K:F] "[B]" |: "Dm6" =a4-af^cd\ |-d4 d=cA_B\ |"Gm7" -B4 -B=A^FG|-G8| "Em7(b5)" g4 -ge=Bc\ |"A7(#9#5)"-c4 -c_B^GA\ |"Dm6" A4 -A=GEF|-F8| "Fm7" f4 -fdAB\ |"Bb7" -B4 -B_A^FG\ |"Ebmaj7" -G4 -G=FD_E|-E8| "Em7(b5)" A6 Gc\ |"A7(#9#5)" -c4 cAG-A|"Dm6" -A8\ |"(A7)" -A8 :|
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