36 Music Sheets in Hymn Book

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%pdfname pdf-tunebook 

T:High Hymns
R:High honey notes
[K:D][M:4/4] "D" [d2] "Bm" fg "A" a2 "G" bc'\
|"D/F#" d'2 "G" c'b "D" a4\
|"D" a2 aa "G" b3 "D/F#" a\
|"A7/E" g2 "D" f2 "A" e4| !fermata! z8||
w: Fight the good fight wi-th  all th-y might\
   Christ is thy strength, and Christ thy right
[K:D][M:4/4] "D" [d2][d2] "Bm" [f2][f2]\
| "A" [a3]b [a4]\ 
| "G" [b3][b][b2][b2]\
| "D" [a4][f4]|!fermata! z8||
w: Ho-ly ho-ly h-o-ly\
   Lor-d God Al-migh-ty
[K:A][M:3/4] z4 "A" [a2]\
|"D" f2 d2 "Bm" b2\
|"E" g2 e2 "F#" a2\
|"A/E" c'2 c'2 "E" b2 "A" a4|!fermata! z2 z2 z2||
w: Im-mort-al In-vis-i-ble God on-ly wise.
"G" B cd|"C" e3A2 "Dm"d e"Am"ag"Em"e\
|"F" dc A2 -Acef\
|"C/E" G3 "Dm" A"Em"gece|"Dm" d4 "Dm7" -d"G" z z z ||
[K:A][M:4/4] z4 "A" [a2]\
|"D" f2 d2 "Bm" b2\
|"E" g2 e2 "F#" a2\
|"A/E" c'2 c'2 "E" b2 "A" a4||
w: Im-mort-al In-vis-i-ble God on-ly wise.
[K:E][M:4/4] "E" g2 g2 g2\
|"E/G#" b4 "C#m" e2\
|"A6" f4 "B7" f2\
|"E" g6|"E/G" b2 b2 b2\
|"F#m" a4 "B7" b2\
|"E" g4 "A" a2\
|"B7" f6||
w: Lord speak to me that I may speak\
   In liv-ing e-choes of Thy tone.
"G" "(h151)" g3 d d4\
|-d4 (3g2g2g2|"C" g3 e e4-\
|"Am" -e4 g2 a2\
|"G" b2 b4 d2|"Em" g2 g2 (3g2a2b2 
w: Maj-es-ty - wor ship His Maj-es-ty 
 "(h187)" "D" a2 a2\
|"A7/E" a2 a2|"D/F#" d'2 c'2\
|"G" b4|"D" a4||"G" g2 "D" f2\
|"G" b2 "D" a2\
|"Bm" f2 "Em" g2\
|"Am" e4||
w: Praise my soul the king of hea-ven\
   To His feet thy tri-bute bring
"(h211)" "Bb(A)" f2| b3 b d'2 b2\
|"Eb(D)" b4 g2 b2\
|"Bb(A)" f2 b2 c2 d2\
|"F(E)" c6|| f2
w: Stand up! stand up for Jesus!
"(h227)" "C7(A7)" c2| "F(D)" a4 "C7(A7)" bg\
|"F(D)" c'4 "Bb(G)" bg\
|"F(D)/C(A)" f4 d2 "C(A)" e2\
|"F(D)" f4|| a2
w: The Lord's m-y shep-he-rd\
   I'll n-ot want. He
[K:Eb] "(h227)" "Eb" z6 e2\
|"Ab" f2 g2 a2 g2\
|"Bb7" b2 ag f2 b2\
|"Eb" g2 e'2 d'2 c'2\
|"Bb7" b6 fg||
w: There is a green hill far a--way \
   with-out a ci-ty wall, where-
  "Ab(G)/C(B)" a2 a2 "Bb7(A7)" a2 g2\
|c'2 c'2 =b2 b2\
|c'2 f2 g2 f2|e6||
[K:F] "(h262)" "F" c3 c dcAF\
|"Bb" F4 D4||"F(E)" C3 F AFcA|"C7(B7)" G8|
w: What a friend I have in Je-sus
[K:D] "(h708)" "D" d'2 c'3b a3 "Em" g\
|"D/A" f2 "A7" d3 a\
|"G" b3 b "A" c'3 c'\
|"D" d'6 zd'\
|"G/D" d'c' ba "D" a3/2g1/2 f d'|
w: Joy to the world

X: 1
T: Abide With Me
C: Words: Henry F. Lyte, 1847.  Music: 'Eventide' William H. Monk, 1861.  Setting: William H. Monk, 1861.
S: Music source: Hymns Ancient and Modern, 1869 hymn 14. (ed. William H. Monk)
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Eb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] G2 G F | E2 B2 | c B B A | G4 | G2 A B |
w: 1.~A- bide with me; fast falls the ev- en- tide; The dark- ness
w: 2.~Swift to its close ebbs out life's lit- tle day; Earth's joys grow
w: 3.~Not a brief glance I beg, a pass- ing word; But as Thou
w: 4.~Come not in ter- rors, as the King of kings, But kind and
w: 5.~Thou on my head in ear- ly youth didst smile; And, though re-
[V: S1V2]  E2 D D | E2 E2 | E D E F | E4 | E2 E E |
[V: S2V1]  B,2 B, A, | G,2 E,2 | E, B, B, B, | B,4 | B,2 A, G, |
[V: S2V2]  E,2 B,, B,, | C,2 G,,2 | A,, B,, C, D, | E,4 | (E, D,) C, B,, |
% 5
[V: S1V1]  c2 B2 | A F G =A | B4 | G2 G F | E2 B2 |
w: deep- ens; Lord with me a- bide. When o- ther help- ers
w: dim; its glor- ies pass a- way; Change and de- cay in
w: dwell'st with Thy dis- ci- ples, Lord, Fa- mil- iar, con- des-
w: good, with heal- ing in Thy wings, Tears for all woes, a
w: bell- ious and per- verse mean- while, Thou hast not left me,
[V: S1V2]  E2 E2 | E F E E | D4 | E2 D D | E2 E2 |
[V: S2V1]  A,2 G,2 | C B, B, E, | F,4 | (G, A,) B, A, | G,2 (E D) |
[V: S2V2]  A,,2 E,2 | F, D, E, C, | B,,4 | E,2 B,, B,, | C,2 G,,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1]  B A A G | F4 \
| F2 G A | G F E A | G2 F2 | E4 |]
w: fail and com- forts flee, Help of the help- less, O a- bide with me.
w: all a- round I see; O Thou who chan- gest not, a- bide with me.
w: cend- ing, pa- tient, free. Come not to so- journ, but a- bide with me.
w: heart for ev- ery plea? Come, Friend of sin- ners, and thus bide with me.
w: oft as I left Thee, On to the close, O Lord, a- bide with me.
[V: S1V2]  E E =E =E | F4 | D2 E D | E D E F | E2 D2 | E4 |]
[V: S2V1]  C C C B, | A,4 | B,2 B, B, | B, A, G, C | B,3 A, | G,4 |]
[V: S2V2]  A,,3/2 B,,/ C, C, | F,4 | A,2 G, F, | E, B,, C, A,, | B,,2 B,,2 | E,4 |]
% 18
W: 6.I need Thy presence every passing hour.
W: What but Thy grace can foil the tempter's power?
W: Who, like Thyself, my guide and stay can be?
W: Through cloud and sunshine, Lord, abide with me.
W: 7.I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless;
W: Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness.
W: Where is death's sting? Where, grave, thy victory?
W: I triumph still, if Thou abide with me.
W: 8.Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes;
W: Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies.
W: Heaven's morning breaks, and earth's vain shadows flee;
W: In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me.

X: 1
T: Abide With Me - (Saxophone)
C: Henry F. Lyte, 1847. Music: William H. Monk, 1861. 
S: Hymns Ancient and Modern
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
|: "F" A2 "Am/C" A "C7" G \
| "Dm" F2 "F/A" c2\
| "Bb" d "C" c "Dm7" c "C#7/E" B\
| "F" A4 ||
| A2 "Bb/D" B "F/C" c\
| "Bb" d2 "F" c2\
| "Gm7" B "C/E" G "F" A "Bb/D" =B\
| "C" c4 ||
| "F" A2 "Am/C" A "C7" G\
| "Dm" F2 "F/A" c2 \
| "Bb" c B "D4" B "D7" A\
| "Gm" G4||
| "C7/Bb" G2 "F/A" (A "C7/G" B) \
| "F" A "C7" G "Dm" F "Gm/Eb" B\
| "F/C" A2 "C7" G2 \
| "F" F4 :|

X: 1
T: Abide With Me
C: Words
R: Henry F. Lyte, 1847. Music: William H. Monk, 1861. 
S: Hymns Ancient and Modern
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
%%setfont-1 Helvetica 24
%%setfont-2 Times-Italic 22
%%setfont-3 Helvetica-Bold 18
%%setfont-4 Courier 20
W: Abide with me, fast falls the eventide
W: The darkness deepens Lord, with me abide
W: When other helpers fail and comforts flee
W: Help of the helpless, oh, abide with me
W: Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day
W: Earth's joys grow dim, its glories pass away
W: Change and decay in all around I see
W: O Thou who changest not, abide with me
W: I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless
W: Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness
W: Where is death's sting?
W: Where, grave, thy victory?
W: I triumph still, if Thou abide with me
W: Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes
W: Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies
W: Heaven's morning breaks, and earth's vain shadows flee
W: In life, in death, o Lord, abide with me
W: Abide with me, abide with me

T: All Things Bright and Beautiful 
K:G major
  c E F A \
| G3/2 E1/2 C E\
| D B B A\
| G4 ||
w: All things bright and beau-ti-ful,\
   all crea-tures great and small,
V:2 bass
  [C,2] [F,2]\
| [C,4]\
| [G,3][^F,]\
| [G,4] ||
  c E F A\
| G3/2 E1/2 C A\
| G c E3/2 D1/2\
| C3 z1||
w: all things wise and won-der-ful,\
   the Lord God made them all.
  C,2 F,2\
| C,2 C,2\
| G,4 \
| C3 E1|| 
  D G G3/2 ^F1/2\
| G2 G E\
| D G F3/2 ^F1/2\
| G3 ^G||
w: Each lit-tle flow'r that o-pens,\
   each little bird that sings,
  B,,3 A,,\
| G,,3 C,\
| B,,3 A,,\
| G,,2 B,,2|| 
  A3/2 B1/2 c A\
| ^F2 G E\
| D3/2 E1/2 ^F A\
| G4||
w: He made their glow-ing col-ours,\
   He made their tiny wings. 
  A,,4 | A,,2 B,,C,\
| B,,2 B,,2\
| G,,4||   
W: Refrain:
W: All things bright and beautiful,
W: all creatures great and small,
W: all things wise and wonderful,
W: the Lord God made them all.
W: Each little flow'r that opens,
W: each little bird that sings,
W: He made their glowing colors,
W: He made their tiny wings. [Refrain]
W: The purple-headed mountain,
W: the river running by,
W: the sunset and the morning
W: that brightens up the sky. [Refrain]
W: The cold wind in the winter,
W: the pleasant summer sun,
W: the ripe fruits in the garden:
W: He made them every one. [Refrain]
W:  He gave us eyes to see them,
W: and lips that we might tell
W: how great is God Almighty,
W: who has made all things well. [Refrain]

T: Come Thy Fount of Every Blessing
K:G major
  c E F A \
|G3/2 E1/2 C E\
|D B B A\
|G4 ||
V:2 bass
  [C,2] [F,2]\
| [C,4]\
| [G,3][^F,]\
| [G,4] ||
W: Come, Thou Fount of every blessing,
W:  Tune my heart to sing Thy grace;
W:  Streams of mercy, never ceasing,
W: Call for songs of loudest praise.
W: Jesus sought me when a stranger,
W: Wand'ring from the face of God;
W: He, to save my soul from danger,
W: Interposed His precious blood.
W: O to grace how great a debtor
W: Daily I'm constrained to be!
W: Let that grace, Lord, like a fetter,
W: Bind my wand'ring heart to Thee.
W: Teach me, Lord, some rapturous measure,
W: Meet for me Thy grace to prove,
W: While I sing the countless treasure
W: Of my God's unchanging love.
W: Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it;
W: Prone to leave the God I love:
W: Take my heart, oh, take and seal it
W: With Thy Spirit from above.
W: Rescued thus from sin and danger,
W: Purchased by the Savior's blood,
W: May I walk on earth a stranger,
W: As a son and heir of God.

T:Corner Stone
C: Moderately Slow
"Piano Intro" "C" zF FE EDDC\
|"F/A" zF FE ED DC\
| "F" zF FE EDDC|"G" zF FE EDDC||
V:2 bass
C,8 | A,,8| F,8|G,8||
  "Verse" "C" zCEG G3C\
| DE E6|"F" zF FA A3E| "G" ED D6|
w: My hope is built on noth-ing less\
w: than Jesus' blood and right-eous-ness
w: When dark-ness Seems to\
   hide his face.\
   I rest on his un-changing grace.
w: When we shall come\
   with trum-pet sound\
   Oh, may I then in him be found
  C,8 | C,6 C,2| F,8 | G,6 G,2|
 "Am7" zC EG G3C|"G" DE E6\
| "F" zF FE "G" DEDC| "C" C8 |  
w: I dare not trust the sweet-est frame\
   But whol-ly trust in Je-sus' name
w: In eve-ry high and stor-my gale\
   My an-chor holds with-in the viel
w: Dressed in his right-eous-ness a-lone\
   Fault-less stand be-fore the throne 
  A,8 | G,6 G,2\
| F,4 G,4| C,F,F,E, E,D,D,C, |
 "Chorus" "C" z4 E2 D2\
| "F" C2 z2 "Am" F2 E2\
| "G" D2 z2 "C/E" E2 D2\
| "F" C2 zC1/2C1/2 "Am" F2 -F1/2ED1/2|
w: Christ A-lone Cor-ner stone\
   Weak made strong. In the\
"G" -D2 z2 "C" E2 G2\
| "F" C2 z2 "Am" F2 E2\
| "G" D2 z2 E2 D2|C8||
w: love Through the storm\
   He is Lord.\
   Lord of all

T:Every Praise
C:Tenor Sax
R:Hymn Book
 Z3|: z E EE-E2 z B2\
|D E2 E-E2 z2|
  EEEE EE zB,\
|D E2 E-E2 z2\
|zE EE -E2 z2\
|zF FF -F2 zE|
  F G2 G-G1/2F1/2 E3\
|[123 -E3 z z4:| [4 E3 z z4||
|: z E EE-E2 z B'2\
| D E2 E-E2 z2\
| EEEE EE zB,2\
| D E2 E-E2 z2|
 [1. E3 z z4:|[2. E3 z z4||
|: z F2 FF -F2 z C2\
| E F2 F-F2 z2\
| FFFF FF z C\
| E F2 F-F2 z2|
  z F FF -F2 z2 \
|zG GG-G2 zF\
|GA2 A-A1/2G1/2 F3|
  -F3 z z4:| z2 A2 -A G3| B3 A-A2 z2||

X: 1
T: Fight the Good Fight
C: Piano
K: D
  "D" [D2] "Bm" FG "A" A2 "G" Bc\
|"D/F#" d2 "G" cB "D" A4\
|"D" A2 AA "G" B3 "D/F#" A\
|"A7/E" G2 "D" F2 "A" E4||
  z2 z2 z2 z2\
|z2 z2 z2 z2\
|z2 z2 z2 z2\
|z2 z2 z2 z2||
  "D" [F2D] [FD][EC] DF Ad\
|"G" BA "Em" GF "A" [E4C]\
|"D" A2 Bc "G" d3 "D" [GE]\
|"D/A" [F2D] "A" [E2C] "D" D4||
  z2 z2 z2 z2\
|z2 z2 z2 z2\
|z2 z2 z2 z2\
|z2 z2 z2 z2||

X: 1
T: Fight the Good Fight
C: Saxophone
K: E
  "E" [E2] "C#m" GA "B" B2 "A" cd\
|"E/G" e2 "A" dc "E" B4\
|"E" B2 BB "A" c3 "E/G" B\
|"B7/F#" A2 "E" G2 "B" F4||
  z2 z2 z2 z2\
|z2 z2 z2 z2\
|z2 z2 z2 z2\
|z2 z2 z2 z2||
  "E" [G2E] [GE][FD] EG Be\
|"A" cB "F#m" AG "B" [F4D]\
|"E" B2 cd "A" e3 "E" [AF]\
|"E/B" [G2E] "B" [F2D] "E" E4||
  z2 z2 z2 z2\
|z2 z2 z2 z2\
|z2 z2 z2 z2\
|z2 z2 z2 z2||

X: 1
T: Fight the Good Fight
C: Words
K: E
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
W: Fight the good fight with all your might,
W: Christ is your strength and Christ your right.
W: Lay hold on life, and it shall be
W: your joy and crown eternally.
W: 2 Run the straight race through God's good grace;
W: lift up your eyes, and seek his face.
W: Life with its way before us lies;
W: Christ is the path and Christ the prize.
W: 3 Cast care aside, lean on your guide;
W: his boundless mercy will provide.
W: Lean, and the trusting soul shall prove
W: Christ is its life and Christ its love.
W: Faint not, nor fear, his arms are near;
W: he changes not, and you are dear.
W: Only believe, and you will see
W: that Christ is Lord eternally.

T: For The Beauty of The Earth
R:Folliott S. Pierpoint 1864
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
| "G" [G2D] [FD][G] "D" [A2D] "G" [G2D]\
| "C" c2  c2 "D7" B4 "G"\
| "C" E2 F2 "G" G2 "C" E2\
| "G" D2 "D" D2 "G" D4|
V:2 bass
| [B,2G,] [C][B,] [A,2F,][B,2G,]\
| [G,2E,][A,2F,][G,4]\
| [G,2C,] [A,2C,] [G,2B,,] [G,2C,]\
| [G,2D,] [F,2D,] [G,4G,,] |
w: For the - beau-ty of the Earth,\
   for the glo-ry of the skies.   
w: For the - won-der of each hour\
   of the day and of the night. 
w: For the - joy of hu-man love.\
   broth-er sis-ter, par-ent child.  
w: For the - church that ev-er-more.\
   lift-eth ho-ly hands a-bove.
w: For thy - self, best gift di-vine,\
   to our race so free-ly given.
V:3 treble
| A2 GA B2 A2\
| d2 d2 ^c4\
| ^f2 g2 a2 f2\
| e2 e2 E4 |
| "G" [G2D] [FD][G] "D" [A2D] "G" [G2D]\
| "C" c2  c2 "D7" B4 "G"\
| "C" E2 F2 "G" G2 "C" E2\
| "G" D2 "D" D2 "G" D4|
V:2 bass
| [B,2G,] [C][B,] [A,2F,][B,2G,]\
| [G,2E,][A,2F,][G,4]\
| [G,2C,] [A,2C,] [G,2B,,] [G,2C,]\
| [G,2D,] [F,2D,] [G,4G,,] |
w: for the - love which from our birth,\
   o-ver and a-round us lies.   
w: hill and - vale and tree and flower\
   sun and moon and stars of light. 
w: friends - on Earth and friends a-bove,\
   for all gen-tle thoughts and mild.  
w: of-fer-ing up on ev-ery shore.\
   her pure sac-ri-fice of love.
w: for that- great love of thine,\
   peace on earth and joy in heaven.
V:3 treble
| A2 GA B2 A2\
| d2 d2 ^c4\
| ^f2 g2 a2 f2\
| e2 e2 E4 |
T: Refrain 
%%map color_green C color=#00ff00
%%map color_green D color=#00ff00
%%map color_green E color=#00ff00
| "G" [B2D] "D" [A2D] "G" [G2D] [B2D]\
| "D" [d3B] [d] "G" [B4D4]\
| "C" [E2] [F2D] "G" [G2D] "C" [c2C]\
| "G" [B2D] "D7" [A2] "G" [G4B,]||
w: Christ our Lord, to thee we raise,\
   this our hymns of grate-ful praise.
V:2 bass
| [G,2] [D][C] [B,2G,][G,2]\
| [A,2F,] [F,2D,] [G,4]\
| [G,2] [A,2] [G,2] [G,2]\
| [G,2] [F,2] [G,4] ||
V:3 treble
| ^c2 B2 A2 c2 | e3 e ^c4\
| F2 G2 A2 d2  | c2 B2 A4 ||

X: 1
T: For The Beauty Of The Earth
C: Words: Folliot S. Pierpoint, 1864.  Music: 'Dix' Conrad Kocher, 1838. 
C: Public domain.  
S: Music source: The English Hymnal, 1906 Hymn 39.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] G F/G/ A G | c c B2 | E F G E | D D D2 |
w: 1.~For the * beau- ty of the earth For the glo- ry of the skies,
w: 2.~For the * beau- ty of each hour, Of the day and of the night,
w: 3.~For the * joy of ear and eye, For the heart and mind's de- light,
w: 4.~For the * joy of hu- man love, Bro- ther, sis- ter, pa- rent, child,
w: 5.~For Thy * Church, that ev- er- more Lift- eth ho- ly hands a- bove,
[V: S1V2]  D D D D | C D D2 | E D D C | B, A, B,2 |
[V: S2V1]  B, C/B,/ A, B, | G, A, G,2 | G, A, G, G, | G, F, G,2 |
[V: S2V2]  G, A,/G,/ F, G, | E, F, G,2 | C, C, B,, C, | D, D, G,,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1]  G F/G/ A G | c c B2 | E F G E | D D D2 |
w: For the * love which from our birth O- ver and a- round us lies.
w: Hill and * vale, and tree and flow'r, Sun and moon, and stars of light.
w: For the * mys- tic har- mo- ny Link- ing sense to sound and sight.
w: Friends on * earth and friends a- bove, For all gen- tle thoughts and mild.
w: Off'r- ing * up on ev- ery shore Her pure sac- ri- fice of love.
[V: S1V2]  D D D D | C D D2 | E D D C | B, A, B,2 |
[V: S2V1]  B, C/B,/ A, B, | G, A, G,2 | G, A, G, G, | G, F, G,2 |
[V: S2V2]  G, A,/G,/ F, G, | E, F, G,2 | C, C, B,, C, | D, D, G,,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1]  B A G B | d3/2 c/ B2 | E F G c | B A G2 |]
w: Lord of all, to Thee we raise, This our hymn of grate- ful praise.
[V: S1V2]  D D D D | D D D2 | E D D C | D3/2 C/ B,2 |]
[V: S2V1]  G, D/C/ B, G, | A, F, G,2 | G, A, G, G, | G, F, G,2 |]
[V: S2V2]  G, F, G, G, | F, D, G,2 | C, C, B,, E, | D, D, G,,2 |]
% 13
W:6. For the martyrs' crown of light,
W:For Thy prophets' eagle eye,
W:For Thy bold confessors' might,
W:For the lips of infancy.
W:7. For Thy virgins' robes of snow,
W:For Thy maiden mother mild,
W:For Thyself, with hearts aglow,
W:Jesu, Victim undefiled.
W:8. For each perfect gift of Thine,
W:To our race so freely given,
W:Graces human and divine,
W:Flowers of earth and buds of Heaven.

T:He Who Would Valiant Be
%%%%center F
%%%%sep 0.2cm 0.2cm 6cm
  [F2c] CF GB|c2 d2 _e2|f2 _e2 d2|c6 |
V:2 bass
  F,2 C,F, G,B,|C2 [B,2D] [_A,2C_E]\
|z2 G,C, A,,C, |
  F2 F2 C2|F3 G  A2|B2 A2 F2|A2 G4 & z2 CF GB|
  F,2 F,2 C,2|F,3 G, A,2\
|B,2 A,2 F,2\
|G,2 F,4|
  [F2c] F2 C2|F3 G A2|B2 A2 F2|G2 F4|
  F,2 F,2 C,2|F,3 G, A,2\
|B,2 A,2 F,2\
|G,2 F,4|

T:Higher Ground
R: Spiritual - Melody for B-flat instr.
 D2 D2 G2 || "G" B8 -| -B2 B2 A2 G2 |"C" E8-|-E2 A2 G2 E2\
| "G" D4 G4| B4 G4| "D7" A8-|-A2 D2 D2 G2|
  "G" B8-|-B2 B2 A2 G2| "C" E8-|-E2 A2 G2 E2\
| "G" D4 G4\
| B4 A4 | "G" G8|-G2 D2 G2 B2||
  "G" d8-|d2 d2 c2 B2 |"D7" c8|-c2 D2 F2 A2\
| c8|-c2 c2 B2 A2| "G" B8-| -B2 d2 d2 B2|
  "G7" G8-|-G2 B2 A2 G2| "C" E8-|-E2 A2 G2 E2\
| "G" D4 G4| "D7" B4 A4 | "G" G8|-G2 z2 z4||
W: I’m pressing on the upward way,
W: New heights I’m gaining every day;
W: Still praying as I’m onward bound,
W: “Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.”
W: Refrain:
W: Lord, lift me up and let me stand,
W: By faith, on Heaven’s tableland,
W: A higher plane than I have found;
W: Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.
W: My heart has no desire to stay
W: Where doubts arise and fears dismay;
W: Though some may dwell where those abound,
W: My prayer, my aim, is higher ground.
W: I want to live above the world,
W: Though Satan’s darts at me are hurled;
W: For faith has caught the joyful sound,
W: The song of saints on higher ground.
W: I want to scale the utmost height
W: And catch a gleam of glory bright;
W: But still I’ll pray till heav’n I’ve found,
W: “Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.”

T:His Eye is On The Sparrow 
R: 1905
|: "C" GAG E2 C\
| D E2-E3\
| "F" FGA C2 C\
| "C" g3-g2 z|
V:2 bass
|: [C,3] [C,3] & E,F,E, G,2E,\
| [F,G,,][C,G,][C,G,] [C,3] & xxx G,2 _B,\
| A,G,F, [F,2A,] [F,A,,]\
| C,3-C,2 z & E,2 F, G,2 |
  "Am" GFE A2E\
| "Dm" G F2-F3\
| "G7" FED G2G\
| "C" E3-E2G|
  [A,3A,,] [A,3^C,]\
| [D,2A,] [D,A,] [C,3] & xxx _A,2 A,\
| [B,,3G,] G,,3 & xxx D,2-G,\
| [C,2G,] [C,G,] [C,G,] [C,C]|
  c2 B dcE\
| "G7" G G2-G2 G\
| "C" c2 B dcG\
| "F a7/E" A3-"Dm"A2 A|
| [C,2G,] [^C,^A,] [D,B,][D,B,][G,B,]\
| [C,3G,]-[C,3G,]\
| [D,2] [C,] [B,,3]|
 "G7" B2 B BAB\
| "C" c G2-"C#dim7" -G2 E1/2E1/2\
| "Dm" G2 A "G7" G2 A\
| "C" G3 "G7/D" -G2 G|
  [E,3] [F,3]\
| z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2|
  "C/E" c2 c "C7" c2 c\
| "F" c C2 "Fm" -C2 C1/2C1/2\
| "C/G" G2 E "G7" E D2\
| "C" C3-C2 G| 
  [A,3] [_A,3]\
| z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2|
  "Chorus" "G" G2 B d2 G\
| "C" G c2-c2 G\
| "G" G2 B d2 G\
| "C" e3-e2 c1/2c1/2|
  z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2|
  "C7/E" c2 c "C7/E" c2 c\
| "F" c C2 "Fm" C2 C1/2C1/2\
| "C/G" G2 E "G7" E D2\
| "C" C3 -C2 z||
  z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2||
W: Why should I feel dis-couraged? 
W: Why should the shadows come?
W: Why should my heart be lonely?
W: And long for heaven and home. When
W: Je-sus is - my por-tions. My con-stant friend - is he: His
W: eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me. His
W: eye is on the sparrow and I know he watches me. I
W: sing be-cause I'm happy I
W: sing be-cause I'm free; For His
W: eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me. His
W: eye is on the sparrow and I know he watches me.

T:Holding My Saviour's Hand
  "C" G4 E2 F2 \
|G4 ^F2 G2 \
|"F" A8\
|"C" G8\
|C4 E2 A2 \
|"C Cdim" G4 ^F4\
|"G7" F8-|-F4 z4|
w: I shall have lover ev-er last-ing\
   Hold-ing my Sav-iour's hand
  "Dm" A4 F2 G2 \
|A4 A2 A2\
|"G7" D4 F2 B2\
|A4 _A4\
|"C" G8-|-G6 z2|
w: I shall have joy ev-er last-ing\
   Hold-ing my Sav-iour's hand 
   "C" G4 E2 F2\
|G4 ^F G \
|"F" A8\
|"C" G8\
|C4 E2 G2\
|"C7" c4 d4\
|"F" A8-|-A6 z2|
w:  Way from this world and it's sorr-ows\
    Way from the days of fears
  "F" c4 c2 c2 \
|"Cdim" B4 A4\
|"C" G8\
|"A7" E8\
|"Dm" F4 G2 F2\
|"G7" E4 D4\
|"C" C8-|-C6 z2|
w: I shall re-joice for ev-er \
   Hold-ing my Sav-iour's hand 
|: "C" E4 ^D2 E2 \
| "C" G4 "Cdim" ^F4\
| "G7" F8-|-F6 z2\
| B4 B2 B2\
| A4 _A4 \
| "C" G8-|-G6 z2|
w: Hold-ing my Sav-ior's hand\
   || Here in the pro-mised land
| "C" c4 c2 c2 \
| "C7" e4 d4 \
| "F" c8\
| A8| G4 "C" B2 A2 \
| "G7" F4 D4\
| "C" C8-|-C6 z2:|
w: Noth-ing on Earth can stop me\
   Hold-ing my Sav-iour's hand -

X: 1
T: Holy, Holy, Holy - Piano
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
R: 1861 J B Dykes 
| "D" [D2A,][D2A,] "Bm" [F2D][F2D]\
| "A" [A4] [A4] & D2-C2 B,2C2\
| "G" [B3][B][B2][B2] & B,2C2D2E2\
| "D" [A4F][F4D]||
V:2 bass
| F,2 F,2 D,2 D,2\
| E,2 G,2 F,2-A,2 \
| G,2 A,2 B,2 C2\
| D2-A,2 A,4 ||
|| [A3][A] [A2][A2]\
| [d2] [d2] c2 A2\
| [E2] [A2][B3][A]\
| [A8]||
V:2 bass
| z2 z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2 z2 ||
| "D" [D2A,][D2A,] "Bm" [F2D][F2D]\
| "A" [A4] [A4] & D2-C2 B,2C2\
| "G" [B3][B][B2][B2] & B,2C2D2E2\
| "D" [A4F][F4D]||
V:2 bass
| F,2 F,2 D,2 D,2\
| E,2 G,2 F,2-A,2 \
| G,2 A,2 B,2 C2\
| D2-A,2 A,4 ||
| "Bm" d4 "F#m" A2 "D7/F#" A2\
| "G" [B4D4] "D" F4 &x4 D2 "D7" =C2\
| "G" G2 E2 "A7" E3 "D" D\
| "D" D4D4||
V:2 bass
| z2 z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2 z2 ||

X: 1
T: Holy, Holy, Holy
C: Words
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
R: 1861 J B Dykes 
%%vocalfont Times-Roman 20
W:  1) Ho-ly, ho-ly, ho-ly! Lord God Al-migh-ty!
W:  Ear-ly in the morn-ing our song shale rise to Thee;
W:  Ho-ly, ho-ly, ho-ly, mer-~ci-~ful and migh-~ty!
W:  God in three Per-sons, bless-ed Trin-ni-ty!
W:  2) Holy, holy, holy! All the saints adore Thee,
W:  Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea;
W:  Cherubim and seraphim falling down before Thee,
W:  Who was, and is, and evermore shall be.
W:  3) Holy, holy, holy! though the darkness hide Thee,
W:  Though the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see;
W:  Only Thou art holy; there is none beside Thee,
W:  Perfect in power, in love, and purity.
W:  4) Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
W:  All Thy works shall praise Thy Name, in earth, and sky, and sea;
W:  Holy, holy, holy; merciful and mighty!
W:  God in three Persons, blessèd Trinity!

X: 1
T: How Great Thou Art
M: 3/4
L: 1/8
R: Hymn
K: C
G2 G2 G2\
|| "C" E6 G2\
| "C" G2 G2 "F" A2 A2\
| "F" F4 A4\
| "F" z2 A2 A2 A2|
w: Oh Lord My God. When\
   I in awe-some won-der. Con-sid-er
  "C" G6 E2\
| "G7" G2 G2 F2 F2\
| "C" E8\
| "G7" z2 G2 G2 G2||
w: all the works thy hands have made\
   - I see the 
  "C" E6 G2\
| "C" G2 G2 "F" A2 A2\
| "F" F4 A4\
| z2 A2 A2 A2|
w: Stars, I hear the migh-ty thun-der\
   Thy power through- 
  "C" G6 E2\
| "G7" G2 G2 F2 F2\
| "C" E8\
| z2 G2 G2 c2||
w: out the u-ni-verse dis-played Then sings my
  "C7" e6 d2\
| "F" c2 B2 c2 A2\
| "C" G8\
| z2 c2 c2 B2|
w: soul my sav-iour God to thee - How great thou art
  "G7" D8\
| z2 F2 A2 G2\
| "C" E8\
| z2 G2 G2 c2|
w: art. How great thou art. Then sings my
  "C7" e6 d2\
| "F" c2 B2 c2 A2\
| "C" G8\
| z2 c2 B2 c2|
w: soul my Savior God\
   to Thee. - How great thou
  "Dm" d8\
| "G7" z2 e2 f2 B2\
| "C" c8-|-c2 z2 z4||
w: art - How great thou art.

T:I Am a Pilgrim
D2 E2 G2 || "D7" A4 A4-\
| A2 z2 D2 E2\
| "G" G4 G4|-G2 z2 B2 A2||
V:2 bass
 z2 z2 z2 | z4 z4 \
| z4 z4 | z4 z4 | z4 z4 ||
  "C" G4-|-G2 A2 G2 E2\
| "G" D8-|-D2 z2 D2 EE||
V:2 bass
 z2 z2 | z4 z4 \
| z4 z4 | z4 z4 ||
  G4 G4-| "G7" -G2 d2 d2 e2\
| "C" d2 c4 A2\
| "Cm" _B4 G2 G2||
V:2 bass
 z2 z2 z2 z2 | z4 z4 \
| z4 z4 | z4 z4 ||
  "G" B2 G2 B2 c2\
| "D7" D2 B2 G2 E2\
| "G" G8|-G2 z2 z4||
V:2 bass
 z2 z2 z2 z2 | z4 z4\
 | z4 z4 | z4 z4 ||

X: 1
T: Immortal, invisible God Only Wise
K: A
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
 z4 "A" [A2]| "D" F2 D2 "Bm" B2\
| "E" G2 E2 "F#" A2\
| "A/E" c2 c2 "E" B2 "A" A4||
w: Im-mort-al In-vis-i-ble God on-ly wise.
V:2 bass
| z4 z2\
|: z3 z3\
| z3 z3\
| z3 z3\
| z4 z2 :|
| z4 "B" [B2]\
|: "E" G2 E2 "C#m" c2\
| "F#" A2 F2 "G#" B2\
| "B/F#" d2 d2 "F#" c2\
| "B" B4 B2 :|

R:William Blake
C: C Hubert H Parry
  "D" a3 "Bm7" A "G" G3/2"Adim"F1/2\
| "Em/G" B3 "Bb/F#" B "Em" -c"Edim"e\ 
| "Bm" ed cB "G" A3/2G1/2\
|: "D" A2 z D F A |
w:  .. .. .. .. .. ..\
    .. .. .. .. ..\
    .. .. .. .. and did those 
V:2 bass
  z4 z2 \
| z4 z2 \
| z4 z2 \
|: z4 z2 |
  "Bm" B3 d "G" B A1/2G1/2\
| "D" A4 "G" B A1/2 G1/2\
| "D" A F "Bm" E2 D2\
| "G" B,3 D "D" A A|
w: feet in an-cie-nt time.\
   Walk up-on Eng-land's ,moun-tains\
   green? And was the
  z4 z2 \
| z4 z2 \
| z4 z2 \
| z4 z2 |
  "Bm" B3 d "F#m" c B1/2A1/2 \
| "Bm" B3 "Bm6" B  "F#m" c F\
| "Bm7" A ^G "F#m" F2 "E" E2\
| "A" A3 E E F|
w: Ho-ly land of-God On Eng-land's pleasant\
   pas-tures seen?\
   And do the
  z4 z2 \
| z4 z2 \
| z4 z2 \
| z4 z2 |
  "Em" G3 "G/E" B "Am" A3/2 E1/2\
| "Em" G3 E "A7/E" G A\
| "G/D" B3 d "C/D" =c A\
| "G" B3 G "D" B d|
w: Coun-ten-ance di-vine\
   shine forth up-on our cloud-ed hills?\
   and was Je- 
  z4 z2 \
| z4 z2 \
| z4 z2 \
| z4 z2 |
  "Em" e3/2 d1/2 "A" c2 "A/G" c3/2 B1/2\
| "D/F#" A3 "D" A "Bm" d B\
| "D" A3 B "Gmaj7" F "A7" E\
| "D" D2 a3 "Bm7" A:|
w: ru-sa lem Build-ed here. A-mong those\
   dark sa-tan-ic mills?
  z4 z2 \
| z4 z2 \
| z4 z2 \
| z4 z2 :|

W:  And did those feet in ancient time,
W:  Walk upon England's mountains green:
W:  And was the holy Lamb of God,
W:  On England's pleasant pastures seen!
W:  And did the Countenance Divine,
W:  Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
W:  And was Jerusalem builded here,
W:  Among these dark Satanic Mills?
W:  Bring me my Bow of burning gold;
W:  Bring me my Arrows of desire:
W:  Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold!
W:  Bring me my Chariot of fire!
W:  I will not cease from Mental Fight,
W:  Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand:
W:  Till we have built Jerusalem,
W:  In England's green & pleasant Land.

X: 1
T:Joy to the World
R:G F Handel - Words - Lowell Mason 1839 
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
  "D"[d2D] "G"[cD]>[BD] "D" [A3D] "Em" [GE]\
| "D/A" [F2D] "A7"E2 "D"D3 A||
w: Joy to the world! The Lord has come. Let
V:2 bass 
  [D,2F,] [D,3/2][D,1/2] [D,3] [B,]\
| z2 z2 z2 z2||
  "G" B3 B "A7"c3 c\
| "D" d6 z d\
| "D" dc BA [A3/2][G1/2]\
  [DF] [Fd]||
w: Earth re-ceive her King.\
   Let ev- ery- heart---  pre-
V:2 bass
  z2 z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2 z2||
  "G/D" dc BA "D" [A3/2][G1/2]\
  [FD] [FD]\
| [FD][FD] [FD][F1/2D] [G1/2]\
  [A3F] [GE]1/2[FD]1/2 ||
w: pare - Him - room - - \
   and hea-ven and na-ture 
V:2 bass
  z2 z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2 z2||
  "A7" [EC][EC] [EC][E1/2C][F1/2D]\
   "A7" [G3E] [F1/2][E1/2]||
w: heaven and na-ture sing
V:2 bass
  z2 z2 z2 z2||
   "D" ([FD] [d2]) "G" B \
   "D" [A3/2][G1/2] \
   "D" [F2D] "A7" [E2C] "D" D4||
V:2 bass
  z2 z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2 z2||

X: 1
T:Joy to the World - Saxophone
R:March - G F Handel. Words by Lowell Mason 1839 
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
  "E"e2 "A" [d3][c] "E" B3 "F#m" A\
| "E" G2 "B7" F2 "E" E3 B\
  "A" c3 c "B7" d3 d\
| "E" e6 z e |
  "E" ed cB [B3][A] Ge\
| ed cB [B3/2][A1/2] G G\
| GG G[A1/2][B1/2] B3 A1/2G1/2|
 "B7" FF FF1/2G1/2 A3 G1/2^F1/2\
| "E" Ee- "A" cB "D" B3A "Em" GA\
| "E/B" G2 "B7" F2 |"E" E4||

T:Lord of the Dance
 D2| "G" G2 GG "Em" BABc\
| "Bm" d2 dd "Em" B2 BB|
w: I danced in the morn-ing when the world\
   was be-gun, and I
V:2 bass
z2 | z2 z2 z2 z2 | z2 z2 z2 z2 |
 "Am" A2 AA A2 AB\
| "D7" c-BAG F2 DD|
w: danced in the moon and the st-ars\
   and the sun, and I
V:2 bass
 z2 z2 z2 z2 \
 z2 z2 z2 z2 |
 "G" G2 GG "Em" BABc\
| "Bm" d2 dd "Em" zB||
V:2 bass
 z2 z2 z2 z2 \
 z2 z2 z2 z2 ||
  "Am" A2 A2 B2 A2\
| "C" G2 G2 "G" G2 z2|
V:2 bass
 z2 z2 z2 z2 \
| z2 z2 z2 z2 |
  "Refrain" "G" d4 "Bm" B3 A\
| BcBA G4\
| B2 BB d2 cB|
V:2 bass
 z2 z2 z2 z2 \
| z2 z2 z2 z2 \
  A2 A2 A2 DD\
| G2 G2 G3 A\
| BABc d2 cB|
w: SIX
V:2 bass
  z2 z2 z2 z2 \
| z2 z2 z2 z2 \
| z2 z2 z2 z2 |
  A2 A2 B2 BA\
| G2 G2 G2 z2||
V:2 bass
  z2 z2 z2 z2 \
| z2 z2 z2 z2 ||

X: 1
T: Now The Green Blade Riseth  - E Minor
R: John Macleod Campbell Crum
C: Optional 16-bar solos 
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/8 % default length
  "Intro" E^F GA|"E Melodic" Bc ^de\
|  "Minor" -e=d cB AG ^F E| !fermata! -E8| 
 "[A] on cue" "Em" A2 e2 "A" ^f2 d2\
|"Em" e4 c4\
|"D" d2 de "C"c2 B2|"Em" A8| 
w: Now the green blade ris-eth\
   from th-e bur-ied grain,
 "Em" A2e2 "A" ^f2d2\
|"Em" e4 c4\
|"D" d2 de "C" c2 B2 |"Em" A8| 
w: wheat that in dark ear-th\
   ma-n-y years has lain;
c4 B2 A2| B6 e2\
| "Em" c2 c2 "Am" B2 A2\
| "Em" B8||
w: love lives a-again that\
   with the dead has been:
"Em" A2 e2 "A" ^f2 d2\
| "B7" e4 c4\
| "D" d2 de "C" c2 B2\
| "B7 Em" A8||
w: Love is come a-gain like\
   wheat th-at sprin-eth green.
W: In the grave they laid Him, Love Whom we had slain,
W:Thinking that He'd never wake to life again,
W:Laid in the earth like grain that sleeps unseen:
W:Love is come again, like wheat that springs up green.
W:Up He sprang at Easter, like the risen grain,
W:He that for three days in the grave had lain;
W:Up from the dead my risen Lord is seen:
W:Love is come again, like wheat that springs up green. 
W:When our hearts are saddened, grieving or in pain,
W:By Your touch You call us back to life again;
W:Fields of our hearts that dead and bare have been:
W:Love is come again, like wheat that springs up green.

X: 1
T: Now The Green Blade Riseth
C: John Macleod Campbell Crum
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/8 % default length
F2 c2 ^d2 B2| c4 A4|
w: Now the green blade ris-eth
B2 B^c A2 ^G2| ^F8| 
w: from the bur-ied grain,
^F2^c2 ^d2B2| ^c4 A4|
w: wheat that in dark earth
B2 B^c A2 G2 | ^F8| 
w: many days has lain;
A4 G2 ^F2| G6 ^C2|
w: love lives a-again that
A2 A2 G2 ^F2| G8||
w: with the dead has been:
^F2 c2 ^d2 B2| ^c4 A4|
w: Love is come a-gain like
B2 B^c A2 G2| ^F8||
w: wheat th-at sprin-eth green.
W: In the grave they laid Him, Love Whom we had slain,
W:Thinking that He'd never wake to life again,
W:Laid in the earth like grain that sleeps unseen:
W:Love is come again, like wheat that springs up green.
W:Up He sprang at Easter, like the risen grain,
W:He that for three days in the grave had lain;
W:Up from the dead my risen Lord is seen:
W:Love is come again, like wheat that springs up green. 
W:When our hearts are saddened, grieving or in pain,
W:By Your touch You call us back to life again;
W:Fields of our hearts that dead and bare have been:
W:Love is come again, like wheat that springs up green.

T: Oh Worship the King All Glorious Above 
R: Psalm 149
K:G major
  "G" [DB,]\
| [GD][GD] "D" [AD]\
| "G" [B2D][GD] \
| "C" G "D7" A "G" {G}F\
| "D" G2 A ||
w: Oh, wor-ship the King\
   all-glor- ious a-bove, Oh
V:2 bass
| [B,G,,][F,B,,][F,D,]\
| [G,2][G,B,,]\
| [E,G,][F,A,][G,]\
| [D,3F,]||
 "G" BA "D" G\
| "G" F2 "C" G\
| "C" A G "D7" F\
| "G" D2 F||
w: grate-ful-ly sing his power\
   and his love: Our
V:2 bass
  zzz | zzz| zzz |zzz||
  GAB \
| "D7" GE "G" B \
| "D" BA "G" G\
| "D7" d2 D ||
w: shield and def-end-er,\
   the An-cient of Days. Pav
V:2 bass
 zzz | zzz| zzz |zzz||
  EFG | ADB | EAF | G2 z||
w: -il-ioned in splen-dor\
   and gir-ded with praise.
V:2 bass
  zzz | zzz| zzz |zzz||
W: O tell of his might and sing of his grace,
W: whose robe is the light, whose canopy space.
W: His chariots of wrath the deep thunderclouds form,
W: and dark is his path on the wings of the storm.
W: Your bountiful care, what tongue can recite?
W: It breathes in the air, it shines in the light;
W: it streams from the hills, it descends to the plain,
W: and sweetly distills in the dew and the rain.
W: Frail children of dust, and feeble as frail,
W: in you do we trust, nor find you to fail.
W: Your mercies, how tender, how firm to the end,
W: our Maker, Defender, Redeemer, and Friend!
W: O measureless Might, unchangeable Love,
W: whom angels delight to worship above!
W: Your ransomed creation, with glory ablaze,
W: in true adoration shall sing to your praise!

X: 1
T: Praise, my soul
C: Tenor Saxophone
K: E
R: Top melody then chord tones under vocals
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
  "E" [B2] [B2] & [E4G4]\
| "B7/F#" [B2] [B2] & F4\
| "E/G#" e2 d2 & G4\
| "A" [c4A]\
| "E" [B4E]||
  "A" A2 "E" G2\
| "A" c2 "E" B2\
| "C#m" G2 "F#m" A2\  
| "B" [D4F] ||
  "G#/C" G2 G2 \
| "C#m" G2 "G#" G2\
| "C#m" c2 "C#7/F" B2\
| "F#sus4" B2 "Gdim" ^A2 ||
  "G#m" B2 c2\
| "B" d2 "E" e2\
|  G2 "F#" ^A2\
| "B" B4 ||
  "E" e2 d2\
| "A" c2 "B" B2\
| "C#m" e2 d2\
| "B7" c2 B2||
  "C#m" c2 "B" B2\
| "A" A2 F2\
| "E/B" [B,2E] "B7" [B,2D]\
| "E" [B,4E]||

X: 1
T: Praise, my soul
C: Words
K: E
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
W: Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven;
W: To His feet thy tribute bring.
W: Ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven,
W: Evermore His praises sing:
W: Praise Him, praise Him, alleluia!
W: Praise the everlasting King.
W: Praise Him for His grace and favor
W: To our fathers in distress;
W: Praise Him still the same as ever,
W: Slow to chide, and swift to bless.
W: Praise Him, praise Him, alleluia!
W: Glorious in His faithfulness.
W: Fatherlike He tends and spares us,
W: Well our feeble frame He knows;
W: In His hands He gently bears us,
W: Rescues us from all our foes.
W: Praise Him, praise Him, alleluia!
W: Widely yet His mercy flows.
W: Frail as summer’s flow’r we flourish,
W: Blows the wind and it is gone;
W: But while mortals rise and perish,
W: Our God lives unchanging on.
W: Praise Him, praise Him, alleluia!
W: Praise the high Eternal One!
W: Angels, help us to adore Him,
W: Ye behold Him face to face;
W: Sun and moon, bow down before Him;
W: Dwellers all in time and space,
W: Praise Him, praise Him, alleluia!
W: Praise with us the God of grace.

T:Praise the Lord! Ye Heavens Adore Him - Prelude
R:Psalm 148  - Prelude 1839 
A2 |d2d2 cB AG\
|d2A2 df ed\
|| {d2}c4 z2 e2|\
c2A2 d2B2|c2f2 e2d2\
|c4 B4|A4 z2A2|
  d4 e4|f4 z2d2|B2e2 A2f2|g2A2 B2e2\
| d4 c4| d6 "^Chorus" A2\
| d2d2 cBAG|F4 z2A2|
  d2f2 f2d2|e4 z2e2\
| c2A2 ^G2A2|B2d2 c2f2\
| (e2d2) (c2B2)|A4z2 "^Sym"e2\
| c2e2 f2g2|a2^gf e2d2|
  c4 B4|"*"A6 A2\
|| d4 e4|f4 z2d2|B2e2 A2d2\
| G2B2 E2A2\
| (ABcd) e2f2|g4 z2f2|
  (f2e2) (d2c2)|d6"^Sym"f2|\
g2b2 e2g2|f2a2 d2f2|f4 e4|"*"d6|]

T:Praise the Lord! Ye Heavens Adore Him 
R:Rowland H Pritchard 1830
  [G4D] [F2A]\
| [G4] [G2B2] & G3-A\
| [A4c] [G2B]\
| [F2A] [G2E] [F2A]||
V:2 bass
  [B,4] [A,2D,] & G,,2-B,,2\
| z2 z2 z2 \
| z2 z2 z2 \
| z2 z2 z2 ||
  [d4] c2 & G2-D2 EF\
| [B4] [B2] & G4 GF\
| A2 G2 [A2F]\
| G6||
V:2 bass
  z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2||
  G4 A2\
| G4 B2 & G3-A \
| c4 B2\
| A2 G2 A2||
V:2 bass
  z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2||
W: Praise the Lord ye heavens adore him.
W: Praise him angels, in the height;
W: Sun and moon, rejoice before him;
W: Praise him, all ye stars of light.
W: Praise the Lord! for he has spoken;
W: Worlds his mighty voice obeyed;
W: Laws which never shall be broken
W: For their guidance he has made.
W: Praise the Lord! for he is glorious;
W: Never shall his promise fail;
W: God has made his saints victorious;
W: Sin and death shall not prevail.
W: Praise the God of our salvation!
W: Hosts on high his pow'r proclaim;
W: Heaven, and Earth, and all creation,
W: Laud and magnify his name.
W: Worship, honour, glory, blessing,
W: Lord, we offer unto thee;
W: Young and old, thy praise expressing,
W: In glad homage bend the knee.
W: All the saints in Heaven adore thee,
W: We would bow before thy throne;
W: As thine angels serve before thee,
W: So on Earth thy will be done.

R: Noel Gilderwood
"Verse" G2 G2 z2 ^FB| eA DG c4\
| c4 z2 z2 | z2 z2 d2 d2|
 z2 F_B\
| _e_A _d_G G4 | -G8|
 z2 GB d4\
| d4 G2 g2\
| a2 d4 z1 \
| Z1| 
 G2 G2 z2 dB\
| G2 B2 e2 a2 | d8| Z1|
"Chorus" EG Bd A2 e2 \
| A2 e2 e4\
| EG Bd A2 e2 \
| A2 E2-E4|
  EG Bd A2 e2 \
| A2 e2 c4\
| ge Bd A2 e2 \
| G4 z4||

T:Welcome Everybody
| Z1|
W: Here we are together, now we can begin
W: The youngest and the oldest,
W: The only child, the twin
W: Some who are feeling left out and some who are feeling in
W: Gathering in this place
W: Welcome everybody, its good to see you here
W: Welcome everybody, its good to see you here
W: Welcome everybody, its good to see you here
W: Gathering in this place
W: Here we are together, joining in this song
W: Even those who feel that their singings not that strong
W: And as we sing may every person know that they belong
W: Gathering in this place
W: Welcome everybody, its good to see you here
W: Here we are together, with our hopes and fears
W: Bringing many feelings, our laughter and our tears
W: And now its time for everyone to tell the world, WERE HERE!
W: Gathering in this place
W: Welcome everybody, its good to see you here...

X: 1
T: Sweet Fields (Tenor Sax) 
L: 1/8
C: Traditional Hymn
M: 4/4
K: F
%%sep 0.2cm 0.2cm 7cm
%%center C7 | C7 | C7 | C7 
%%center F7 | F7 | C7 | C7 
%%center G7 | F7 | C7 | C7 
%%sep 0.2cm 0.2cm 7cm
  "F" c4 A2 G2|F4 G2^G2|A4 c4 |f8\
|c4 A2 G2|F4 A2 F2|"C7" G8|-G4z4|
  "F" c4 A2 G2|F4 G2^G2|A4 c4 |f8\
|c4 A2 G2|"C7" A4 G4\
|"F" F8|-F2 c2 d2 e2|
   "F" f8|-f4 d4| c8|-c2 zcdc\
|f4 d4| c4 A4|"C7" G8|-G2 c2 d2 e2|
  "F" f8|-f4 d4|c8|-c4 z2 F2\
|A2 F2 A2 F2| "C7" A4 G4 | "F" F8|-F4 z4||
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