37 Music Sheets In Hymn Book

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music-sheets-index modified : January 19, 2025, 11:01 am 6 days ago..
🏡 Just the Tunes Music Pads

Here's your music sheets for pad Hymn Book Click a music sheet to view the music with a print button at the bottom. Any matching Audio will be picked up by the music sheet viewer. You can record yourself playing a tune and submit an mp3 file to appear alongside your tune. Just email it to us until the members downloads section caters for this

To make a big book from all these tunes, follow the PDF build steps below.


Make the PDF Tune Book

The ABC text is already and waiting in the link at the bottom of this page. No need to copy and paste anything. The whole tune book will be posted through. Just read some of this help if you want to sort the tunes or change anything.

We have all the ABC text for this pad ready to send directly into the PDF tool. If you only want to print one music sheet, you need to click on that tune and find the draw the dots link on that tune sheet.

If you want to edit only one tune, click on that tune and then click the draw the dots link for just that tune. A whole pad will blow the limits of draw the dots, so don't try pasting in the whole set of tunes to draw the dots.

Final edits to the ABC text can be done in the textarea of the form or in the pdf generator tool itself. Best not to edit the actual notes here, because that should be already correct. Just edit the tune header tags that order the tunes. For example; each tune has a set running order tag line X:1 which is the list number. Change that to X:2 for the second tune in your set list. If you mess up your edits, just check the option Reset Session and the whole tune list will be reselected from scratch.

Make adjustments in the PDF tool such as changing the tune order by numbering the X:1 so that the 2nd tune is set to X:2
not all X:1

If all tunes are X:1 the PDF will have the tunes in alphabetical order when you click the Export to PDF button in that tool.

Clear view of the current ABC text
%pdfname hymn-book-2025-01-25 
%pdfquality 0.5 

%addtitle Hymn Book  
%addsubtitle Sat 25th Jan 2025 12pm by Visitor
%addsortedindex Hymn Book - Tune Index

%pdfbuilderuser Visitor
%pdfbuilddata 2025:01:25:

%pageheader Elms Vale Music Club CT17 9LS
%pagefooter Club Page https://www.englishtap.com/podcasts/ElmsValeMusic?doorkey=2025 

%addtoc Hymn Book Contents
%addtitle Hymn Book


X: 11001
Q: "Andante"
%R: march
F: http://www.englishtap.com
Z: 2025 Leon 
M: 2/4
L: 1/8
K: A
A |\
A2EA | B3E3 | cBcd | c2BA |\
A2GF | GABc | G2TF>E | D3 |] z | e2dc |\
d2c2 | BcAB |
  G2{F}EA !segno!| AGAB |\
A2Ec | cBcd | c2Bc | dcBA |\
G2AB | c2TB>A | A4 !segno!|]

T:High Hymns
R:High honey notes
[K:D][M:4/4] "D" [d2] "Bm" fg "A" a2 "G" bc'\
|"D/F#" d'2 "G" c'b "D" a4\
|"D" a2 aa "G" b3 "D/F#" a\
|"A7/E" g2 "D" f2 "A" e4| !fermata! z8||
w: Fight the good fight wi-th  all th-y might\
   Christ is thy strength, and Christ thy right
[K:D][M:4/4] "D" [d2][d2] "Bm" [f2][f2]\
| "A" [a3]b [a4]\ 
| "G" [b3][b][b2][b2]\
| "D" [a4][f4]|!fermata! z8||
w: Ho-ly ho-ly h-o-ly\
   Lor-d God Al-migh-ty
[K:A][M:3/4] z4 "A" [a2]\
|"D" f2 d2 "Bm" b2\
|"E" g2 e2 "F#" a2\
|"A/E" c'2 c'2 "E" b2 "A" a4|!fermata! z2 z2 z2||
w: Im-mort-al In-vis-i-ble God on-ly wise.
"G" B cd|"C" e3A2 "Dm"d e"Am"ag"Em"e\
|"F" dc A2 -Acef\
|"C/E" G3 "Dm" A"Em"gece|"Dm" d4 "Dm7" -d"G" z z z ||
[K:A][M:4/4] z4 "A" [a2]\
|"D" f2 d2 "Bm" b2\
|"E" g2 e2 "F#" a2\
|"A/E" c'2 c'2 "E" b2 "A" a4||
w: Im-mort-al In-vis-i-ble God on-ly wise.
[K:E][M:4/4] "E" g2 g2 g2\
|"E/G#" b4 "C#m" e2\
|"A6" f4 "B7" f2\
|"E" g6|"E/G" b2 b2 b2\
|"F#m" a4 "B7" b2\
|"E" g4 "A" a2\
|"B7" f6||
w: Lord speak to me that I may speak\
   In liv-ing e-choes of Thy tone.
"G" "(h151)" g3 d d4\
|-d4 (3g2g2g2|"C" g3 e e4-\
|"Am" -e4 g2 a2\
|"G" b2 b4 d2|"Em" g2 g2 (3g2a2b2 
w: Maj-es-ty - wor ship His Maj-es-ty 
 "(h187)" "D" a2 a2\
|"A7/E" a2 a2|"D/F#" d'2 c'2\
|"G" b4|"D" a4||"G" g2 "D" f2\
|"G" b2 "D" a2\
|"Bm" f2 "Em" g2\
|"Am" e4||
w: Praise my soul the king of hea-ven\
   To His feet thy tri-bute bring
"(h211)" "Bb(A)" f2| b3 b d'2 b2\
|"Eb(D)" b4 g2 b2\
|"Bb(A)" f2 b2 c2 d2\
|"F(E)" c6|| f2
w: Stand up! stand up for Jesus!
"(h227)" "C7(A7)" c2| "F(D)" a4 "C7(A7)" bg\
|"F(D)" c'4 "Bb(G)" bg\
|"F(D)/C(A)" f4 d2 "C(A)" e2\
|"F(D)" f4|| a2
w: The Lord's m-y shep-he-rd\
   I'll n-ot want. He
[K:Eb] "(h227)" "Eb" z6 e2\
|"Ab" f2 g2 a2 g2\
|"Bb7" b2 ag f2 b2\
|"Eb" g2 e'2 d'2 c'2\
|"Bb7" b6 fg||
w: There is a green hill far a--way \
   with-out a ci-ty wall, where-
  "Ab(G)/C(B)" a2 a2 "Bb7(A7)" a2 g2\
|c'2 c'2 =b2 b2\
|c'2 f2 g2 f2|e6||
[K:F] "(h262)" "F" c3 c dcAF\
|"Bb" F4 D4||"F(E)" C3 F AFcA|"C7(B7)" G8|
w: What a friend I have in Je-sus
[K:D] "(h708)" "D" d'2 c'3b a3 "Em" g\
|"D/A" f2 "A7" d3 a\
|"G" b3 b "A" c'3 c'\
|"D" d'6 zd'\
|"G/D" d'c' ba "D" a3/2g1/2 f d'|
w: Joy to the world

X: 1
T: Abide With Me
C: Words: Henry F. Lyte, 1847.  Music: 'Eventide' William H. Monk, 1861.  Setting: William H. Monk, 1861.
S: Music source: Hymns Ancient and Modern, 1869 hymn 14. (ed. William H. Monk)
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: Eb % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] G2 G F | E2 B2 | c B B A | G4 | G2 A B |
w: 1.~A- bide with me; fast falls the ev- en- tide; The dark- ness
w: 2.~Swift to its close ebbs out life's lit- tle day; Earth's joys grow
w: 3.~Not a brief glance I beg, a pass- ing word; But as Thou
w: 4.~Come not in ter- rors, as the King of kings, But kind and
w: 5.~Thou on my head in ear- ly youth didst smile; And, though re-
[V: S1V2]  E2 D D | E2 E2 | E D E F | E4 | E2 E E |
[V: S2V1]  B,2 B, A, | G,2 E,2 | E, B, B, B, | B,4 | B,2 A, G, |
[V: S2V2]  E,2 B,, B,, | C,2 G,,2 | A,, B,, C, D, | E,4 | (E, D,) C, B,, |
% 5
[V: S1V1]  c2 B2 | A F G =A | B4 | G2 G F | E2 B2 |
w: deep- ens; Lord with me a- bide. When o- ther help- ers
w: dim; its glor- ies pass a- way; Change and de- cay in
w: dwell'st with Thy dis- ci- ples, Lord, Fa- mil- iar, con- des-
w: good, with heal- ing in Thy wings, Tears for all woes, a
w: bell- ious and per- verse mean- while, Thou hast not left me,
[V: S1V2]  E2 E2 | E F E E | D4 | E2 D D | E2 E2 |
[V: S2V1]  A,2 G,2 | C B, B, E, | F,4 | (G, A,) B, A, | G,2 (E D) |
[V: S2V2]  A,,2 E,2 | F, D, E, C, | B,,4 | E,2 B,, B,, | C,2 G,,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1]  B A A G | F4 \
| F2 G A | G F E A | G2 F2 | E4 |]
w: fail and com- forts flee, Help of the help- less, O a- bide with me.
w: all a- round I see; O Thou who chan- gest not, a- bide with me.
w: cend- ing, pa- tient, free. Come not to so- journ, but a- bide with me.
w: heart for ev- ery plea? Come, Friend of sin- ners, and thus bide with me.
w: oft as I left Thee, On to the close, O Lord, a- bide with me.
[V: S1V2]  E E =E =E | F4 | D2 E D | E D E F | E2 D2 | E4 |]
[V: S2V1]  C C C B, | A,4 | B,2 B, B, | B, A, G, C | B,3 A, | G,4 |]
[V: S2V2]  A,,3/2 B,,/ C, C, | F,4 | A,2 G, F, | E, B,, C, A,, | B,,2 B,,2 | E,4 |]
% 18
W: 6.I need Thy presence every passing hour.
W: What but Thy grace can foil the tempter's power?
W: Who, like Thyself, my guide and stay can be?
W: Through cloud and sunshine, Lord, abide with me.
W: 7.I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless;
W: Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness.
W: Where is death's sting? Where, grave, thy victory?
W: I triumph still, if Thou abide with me.
W: 8.Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes;
W: Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies.
W: Heaven's morning breaks, and earth's vain shadows flee;
W: In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me.

X: 1
T: Abide With Me - (Saxophone)
C: Henry F. Lyte, 1847. Music: William H. Monk, 1861. 
S: Hymns Ancient and Modern
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
|: "F" A2 "Am/C" A "C7" G \
|"Dm" F2 "F/A" c2\
|"Bb" d "C" c "Dm7" c "C#7/E" B\
|"F" A4 ||
   A2 "Bb/D" B "F/C" c\
|"Bb" d2 "F" c2\
|"Gm7" B "C/E" G "F" A "Bb/D" =B\
|"C" c4 ||
  "F" A2 "Am/C" A "C7" G\
|"Dm" F2 "F/A" c2 \
|"Bb" c B "D4" B "D7" A\
|"Gm" G4||
  "C7/Bb" G2 "F/A" (A "C7/G" B) \
|"F" A "C7" G "Dm" F "Gm/Eb" B\
|"F/C" A2 "C7" G2 \
|"F" F4 :|

X: 1
T: Abide With Me
C: Words
R: Henry F. Lyte, 1847. Music: William H. Monk, 1861. 
S: Hymns Ancient and Modern
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: F % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
%%setfont-1 Helvetica 24
%%setfont-2 Times-Italic 22
%%setfont-3 Helvetica-Bold 18
%%setfont-4 Courier 20
W: Abide with me, fast falls the eventide
W: The darkness deepens Lord, with me abide
W: When other helpers fail and comforts flee
W: Help of the helpless, oh, abide with me
W: Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day
W: Earth's joys grow dim, its glories pass away
W: Change and decay in all around I see
W: O Thou who changest not, abide with me
W: I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless
W: Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness
W: Where is death's sting?
W: Where, grave, thy victory?
W: I triumph still, if Thou abide with me
W: Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes
W: Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies
W: Heaven's morning breaks, and earth's vain shadows flee
W: In life, in death, o Lord, abide with me
W: Abide with me, abide with me

T: All Things Bright and Beautiful 
K:G major
  c E F A \
| G3/2 E1/2 C E\
| D B B A\
| G4 ||
w: All things bright and beau-ti-ful,\
   all crea-tures great and small,
V:2 bass
  [C,2] [F,2]\
| [C,4]\
| [G,3][^F,]\
| [G,4] ||
  c E F A\
| G3/2 E1/2 C A\
| G c E3/2 D1/2\
| C3 z1||
w: all things wise and won-der-ful,\
   the Lord God made them all.
  C,2 F,2\
| C,2 C,2\
| G,4 \
| C3 E1|| 
  D G G3/2 ^F1/2\
| G2 G E\
| D G F3/2 ^F1/2\
| G3 ^G||
w: Each lit-tle flow'r that o-pens,\
   each little bird that sings,
  B,,3 A,,\
| G,,3 C,\
| B,,3 A,,\
| G,,2 B,,2|| 
  A3/2 B1/2 c A\
| ^F2 G E\
| D3/2 E1/2 ^F A\
| G4||
w: He made their glow-ing col-ours,\
   He made their tiny wings. 
  A,,4 | A,,2 B,,C,\
| B,,2 B,,2\
| G,,4||   
W: Refrain:
W: All things bright and beautiful,
W: all creatures great and small,
W: all things wise and wonderful,
W: the Lord God made them all.
W: Each little flow'r that opens,
W: each little bird that sings,
W: He made their glowing colors,
W: He made their tiny wings. [Refrain]
W: The purple-headed mountain,
W: the river running by,
W: the sunset and the morning
W: that brightens up the sky. [Refrain]
W: The cold wind in the winter,
W: the pleasant summer sun,
W: the ripe fruits in the garden:
W: He made them every one. [Refrain]
W:  He gave us eyes to see them,
W: and lips that we might tell
W: how great is God Almighty,
W: who has made all things well. [Refrain]

T: Come Thy Fount of Every Blessing
K:G major
  c E F A \
|G3/2 E1/2 C E\
|D B B A\
|G4 ||
V:2 bass
  [C,2] [F,2]\
| [C,4]\
| [G,3][^F,]\
| [G,4] ||
W: Come, Thou Fount of every blessing,
W:  Tune my heart to sing Thy grace;
W:  Streams of mercy, never ceasing,
W: Call for songs of loudest praise.
W: Jesus sought me when a stranger,
W: Wand'ring from the face of God;
W: He, to save my soul from danger,
W: Interposed His precious blood.
W: O to grace how great a debtor
W: Daily I'm constrained to be!
W: Let that grace, Lord, like a fetter,
W: Bind my wand'ring heart to Thee.
W: Teach me, Lord, some rapturous measure,
W: Meet for me Thy grace to prove,
W: While I sing the countless treasure
W: Of my God's unchanging love.
W: Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it;
W: Prone to leave the God I love:
W: Take my heart, oh, take and seal it
W: With Thy Spirit from above.
W: Rescued thus from sin and danger,
W: Purchased by the Savior's blood,
W: May I walk on earth a stranger,
W: As a son and heir of God.

T:Corner Stone
C: Moderately Slow
"Piano Intro" "C" zF FE EDDC\
|"F/A" zF FE ED DC\
| "F" zF FE EDDC|"G" zF FE EDDC||
V:2 bass
C,8 | A,,8| F,8|G,8||
  "Verse" "C" zCEG G3C\
| DE E6|"F" zF FA A3E| "G" ED D6|
w: My hope is built on noth-ing less\
w: than Jesus' blood and right-eous-ness
w: When dark-ness Seems to\
   hide his face.\
   I rest on his un-changing grace.
w: When we shall come\
   with trum-pet sound\
   Oh, may I then in him be found
  C,8 | C,6 C,2| F,8 | G,6 G,2|
 "Am7" zC EG G3C|"G" DE E6\
| "F" zF FE "G" DEDC| "C" C8 |  
w: I dare not trust the sweet-est frame\
   But whol-ly trust in Je-sus' name
w: In eve-ry high and stor-my gale\
   My an-chor holds with-in the viel
w: Dressed in his right-eous-ness a-lone\
   Fault-less stand be-fore the throne 
  A,8 | G,6 G,2\
| F,4 G,4| C,F,F,E, E,D,D,C, |
 "Chorus" "C" z4 E2 D2\
| "F" C2 z2 "Am" F2 E2\
| "G" D2 z2 "C/E" E2 D2\
| "F" C2 zC1/2C1/2 "Am" F2 -F1/2ED1/2|
w: Christ A-lone Cor-ner stone\
   Weak made strong. In the\
"G" -D2 z2 "C" E2 G2\
| "F" C2 z2 "Am" F2 E2\
| "G" D2 z2 E2 D2|C8||
w: love Through the storm\
   He is Lord.\
   Lord of all

T:Every Praise
C:Tenor Sax
R:Hymn Book
 Z3|: z E EE-E2 z B2\
|D E2 E-E2 z2|
  EEEE EE zB,\
|D E2 E-E2 z2\
|zE EE -E2 z2\
|zF FF -F2 zE|
  F G2 G-G1/2F1/2 E3\
|[123 -E3 z z4:| [4 E3 z z4||
|: z E EE-E2 z B'2\
| D E2 E-E2 z2\
| EEEE EE zB,2\
| D E2 E-E2 z2|
 [1. E3 z z4:|[2. E3 z z4||
|: z F2 FF -F2 z C2\
| E F2 F-F2 z2\
| FFFF FF z C\
| E F2 F-F2 z2|
  z F FF -F2 z2 \
|zG GG-G2 zF\
|GA2 A-A1/2G1/2 F3|
  -F3 z z4:| z2 A2 -A G3| B3 A-A2 z2||

X: 1
T: Fight the Good Fight
C: Piano
K: D
  "D" [D2] "Bm" FG "A" A2 "G" Bc\
|"D/F#" d2 "G" cB "D" A4\
|"D" A2 AA "G" B3 "D/F#" A\
|"A7/E" G2 "D" F2 "A" E4||
  z2 z2 z2 z2\
|z2 z2 z2 z2\
|z2 z2 z2 z2\
|z2 z2 z2 z2||
  "D" [F2D] [FD][EC] DF Ad\
|"G" BA "Em" GF "A" [E4C]\
|"D" A2 Bc "G" d3 "D" [GE]\
|"D/A" [F2D] "A" [E2C] "D" D4||
  z2 z2 z2 z2\
|z2 z2 z2 z2\
|z2 z2 z2 z2\
|z2 z2 z2 z2||

X: 1
T: Fight the Good Fight
C: Saxophone
K: E
  "E" [E2] "C#m" GA "B" B2 "A" cd\
|"E/G" e2 "A" dc "E" B4\
|"E" B2 BB "A" c3 "E/G" B\
|"B7/F#" A2 "E" G2 "B" F4||
  z2 z2 z2 z2\
|z2 z2 z2 z2\
|z2 z2 z2 z2\
|z2 z2 z2 z2||
  "E" [G2E] [GE][FD] EG Be\
|"A" cB "F#m" AG "B" [F4D]\
|"E" B2 cd "A" e3 "E" [AF]\
|"E/B" [G2E] "B" [F2D] "E" E4||
  z2 z2 z2 z2\
|z2 z2 z2 z2\
|z2 z2 z2 z2\
|z2 z2 z2 z2||

X: 1
T: Fight the Good Fight
C: Words
K: E
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
W: Fight the good fight with all your might,
W: Christ is your strength and Christ your right.
W: Lay hold on life, and it shall be
W: your joy and crown eternally.
W: 2 Run the straight race through God's good grace;
W: lift up your eyes, and seek his face.
W: Life with its way before us lies;
W: Christ is the path and Christ the prize.
W: 3 Cast care aside, lean on your guide;
W: his boundless mercy will provide.
W: Lean, and the trusting soul shall prove
W: Christ is its life and Christ its love.
W: Faint not, nor fear, his arms are near;
W: he changes not, and you are dear.
W: Only believe, and you will see
W: that Christ is Lord eternally.

T: For The Beauty of The Earth
R:Folliott S. Pierpoint 1864
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
  "G" [G2D] [FD][G] "D" [A2D] "G" [G2D]\
|"C" c2  c2 "D7" B4 "G"\
|"C" E2 F2 "G" G2 "C" E2\
|"G" D2 "D" D2 "G" D4|
V:2 bass
  [B,2G,] [C][B,] [A,2F,][B,2G,]\
|[G,2C,] [A,2C,] [G,2B,,] [G,2C,]\
|[G,2D,] [F,2D,] [G,4G,,] |
w: For the - beau-ty of the Earth,\
   for the glo-ry of the skies.   
w: For the - won-der of each hour\
   of the day and of the night. 
w: For the - joy of hu-man love.\
   broth-er sis-ter, par-ent child.  
w: For the - church that ev-er-more.\
   lift-eth ho-ly hands a-bove.
w: For thy - self, best gift di-vine,\
   to our race so free-ly given.
V:3 treble
  A2 GA B2 A2\
|d2 d2 ^c4\
|^f2 g2 a2 f2\
|e2 e2 E4 |
  "G" [G2D] [FD][G] "D" [A2D] "G" [G2D]\
|"C" c2  c2 "D7" B4 "G"\
|"C" E2 F2 "G" G2 "C" E2\
|"G" D2 "D" D2 "G" D4|
V:2 bass
  [B,2G,] [C][B,] [A,2F,][B,2G,]\
|[G,2C,] [A,2C,] [G,2B,,] [G,2C,]\
|[G,2D,] [F,2D,] [G,4G,,] |
w: for the - love which from our birth,\
   o-ver and a-round us lies.   
w: hill and - vale and tree and flower\
   sun and moon and stars of light. 
w: friends - on Earth and friends a-bove,\
   for all gen-tle thoughts and mild.  
w: of-fer-ing up on ev-ery shore.\
   her pure sac-ri-fice of love.
w: for that- great love of thine,\
   peace on earth and joy in heaven.
V:3 treble
  A2 GA B2 A2\
|d2 d2 ^c4\
|^f2 g2 a2 f2\
|e2 e2 E4 |
%%map color_green C color=#00ff00
%%map color_green D color=#00ff00
%%map color_green E color=#00ff00
 "Refrain" "G" [B2D]\
 "D" [A2D] "G" [G2D] [B2D]\
|"D" [d3B] [d] "G" [B4D4]\
|"C" [E2] [F2D] "G" [G2D] "C" [c2C]\
|"G" [B2D] "D7" [A2] "G" [G4B,]||
w: Christ our Lord, to thee we raise,\
   this our hymns of grate-ful praise.
V:2 bass
  [G,2] [D][C] [B,2G,][G,2]\
|[A,2F,] [F,2D,] [G,4]\
|[G,2] [A,2] [G,2] [G,2]\
|[G,2] [F,2] [G,4] ||
V:3 treble
  ^c2 B2 A2 c2 | e3 e ^c4\
|F2 G2 A2 d2  | c2 B2 A4 ||

X: 1
T: For The Beauty Of The Earth
C: Words: Folliot S. Pierpoint, 1864.  Music: 'Dix' Conrad Kocher, 1838. 
C: Public domain.  
S: Music source: The English Hymnal, 1906 Hymn 39.
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/4 % default length
%%staves (S1V1 S1V2) | (S2V1 S2V2)
V: S1V1 clef=treble
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S1V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V1 clef=bass
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
V: S2V2
%%MIDI beat 127 125 110 1
K: G % key signature
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
% 1
[V: S1V1] [Q:1/4=100] G F/G/ A G | c c B2 | E F G E | D D D2 |
w: 1.~For the * beau- ty of the earth For the glo- ry of the skies,
w: 2.~For the * beau- ty of each hour, Of the day and of the night,
w: 3.~For the * joy of ear and eye, For the heart and mind's de- light,
w: 4.~For the * joy of hu- man love, Bro- ther, sis- ter, pa- rent, child,
w: 5.~For Thy * Church, that ev- er- more Lift- eth ho- ly hands a- bove,
[V: S1V2]  D D D D | C D D2 | E D D C | B, A, B,2 |
[V: S2V1]  B, C/B,/ A, B, | G, A, G,2 | G, A, G, G, | G, F, G,2 |
[V: S2V2]  G, A,/G,/ F, G, | E, F, G,2 | C, C, B,, C, | D, D, G,,2 |
% 5
[V: S1V1]  G F/G/ A G | c c B2 | E F G E | D D D2 |
w: For the * love which from our birth O- ver and a- round us lies.
w: Hill and * vale, and tree and flow'r, Sun and moon, and stars of light.
w: For the * mys- tic har- mo- ny Link- ing sense to sound and sight.
w: Friends on * earth and friends a- bove, For all gen- tle thoughts and mild.
w: Off'r- ing * up on ev- ery shore Her pure sac- ri- fice of love.
[V: S1V2]  D D D D | C D D2 | E D D C | B, A, B,2 |
[V: S2V1]  B, C/B,/ A, B, | G, A, G,2 | G, A, G, G, | G, F, G,2 |
[V: S2V2]  G, A,/G,/ F, G, | E, F, G,2 | C, C, B,, C, | D, D, G,,2 |
% 9
[V: S1V1]  B A G B | d3/2 c/ B2 | E F G c | B A G2 |]
w: Lord of all, to Thee we raise, This our hymn of grate- ful praise.
[V: S1V2]  D D D D | D D D2 | E D D C | D3/2 C/ B,2 |]
[V: S2V1]  G, D/C/ B, G, | A, F, G,2 | G, A, G, G, | G, F, G,2 |]
[V: S2V2]  G, F, G, G, | F, D, G,2 | C, C, B,, E, | D, D, G,,2 |]
% 13
W:6. For the martyrs' crown of light,
W:For Thy prophets' eagle eye,
W:For Thy bold confessors' might,
W:For the lips of infancy.
W:7. For Thy virgins' robes of snow,
W:For Thy maiden mother mild,
W:For Thyself, with hearts aglow,
W:Jesu, Victim undefiled.
W:8. For each perfect gift of Thine,
W:To our race so freely given,
W:Graces human and divine,
W:Flowers of earth and buds of Heaven.

T:He Who Would Valiant Be
%%%%center F
%%%%sep 0.2cm 0.2cm 6cm
  [F2c] CF GB|c2 d2 _e2|f2 _e2 d2|c6 |
V:2 bass
  F,2 C,F, G,B,|C2 [B,2D] [_A,2C_E]\
|z2 G,C, A,,C, |
  F2 F2 C2|F3 G  A2|B2 A2 F2|A2 G4 & z2 CF GB|
  F,2 F,2 C,2|F,3 G, A,2\
|B,2 A,2 F,2\
|G,2 F,4|
  [F2c] F2 C2|F3 G A2|B2 A2 F2|G2 F4|
  F,2 F,2 C,2|F,3 G, A,2\
|B,2 A,2 F,2\
|G,2 F,4|

T:Higher Ground
R: Spiritual - Melody for B-flat instr.
 D2 D2 G2 || "G" B8 -| -B2 B2 A2 G2 |"C" E8-|-E2 A2 G2 E2\
| "G" D4 G4| B4 G4| "D7" A8-|-A2 D2 D2 G2|
  "G" B8-|-B2 B2 A2 G2| "C" E8-|-E2 A2 G2 E2\
| "G" D4 G4\
| B4 A4 | "G" G8|-G2 D2 G2 B2||
  "G" d8-|d2 d2 c2 B2 |"D7" c8|-c2 D2 F2 A2\
| c8|-c2 c2 B2 A2| "G" B8-| -B2 d2 d2 B2|
  "G7" G8-|-G2 B2 A2 G2| "C" E8-|-E2 A2 G2 E2\
| "G" D4 G4| "D7" B4 A4 | "G" G8|-G2 z2 z4||
W: I’m pressing on the upward way,
W: New heights I’m gaining every day;
W: Still praying as I’m onward bound,
W: “Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.”
W: Refrain:
W: Lord, lift me up and let me stand,
W: By faith, on Heaven’s tableland,
W: A higher plane than I have found;
W: Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.
W: My heart has no desire to stay
W: Where doubts arise and fears dismay;
W: Though some may dwell where those abound,
W: My prayer, my aim, is higher ground.
W: I want to live above the world,
W: Though Satan’s darts at me are hurled;
W: For faith has caught the joyful sound,
W: The song of saints on higher ground.
W: I want to scale the utmost height
W: And catch a gleam of glory bright;
W: But still I’ll pray till heav’n I’ve found,
W: “Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.”

T:His Eye is On The Sparrow 
R: 1905
|: "C" GAG E2 C\
| D E2-E3\
| "F" FGA C2 C\
| "C" g3-g2 z|
V:2 bass
|: [C,3] [C,3] & E,F,E, G,2E,\
| [F,G,,][C,G,][C,G,] [C,3] & xxx G,2 _B,\
| A,G,F, [F,2A,] [F,A,,]\
| C,3-C,2 z & E,2 F, G,2 |
  "Am" GFE A2E\
| "Dm" G F2-F3\
| "G7" FED G2G\
| "C" E3-E2G|
  [A,3A,,] [A,3^C,]\
| [D,2A,] [D,A,] [C,3] & xxx _A,2 A,\
| [B,,3G,] G,,3 & xxx D,2-G,\
| [C,2G,] [C,G,] [C,G,] [C,C]|
  c2 B dcE\
| "G7" G G2-G2 G\
| "C" c2 B dcG\
| "F a7/E" A3-"Dm"A2 A|
| [C,2G,] [^C,^A,] [D,B,][D,B,][G,B,]\
| [C,3G,]-[C,3G,]\
| [D,2] [C,] [B,,3]|
 "G7" B2 B BAB\
| "C" c G2-"C#dim7" -G2 E1/2E1/2\
| "Dm" G2 A "G7" G2 A\
| "C" G3 "G7/D" -G2 G|
  [E,3] [F,3]\
| z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2|
  "C/E" c2 c "C7" c2 c\
| "F" c C2 "Fm" -C2 C1/2C1/2\
| "C/G" G2 E "G7" E D2\
| "C" C3-C2 G| 
  [A,3] [_A,3]\
| z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2|
  "Chorus" "G" G2 B d2 G\
| "C" G c2-c2 G\
| "G" G2 B d2 G\
| "C" e3-e2 c1/2c1/2|
  z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2|
  "C7/E" c2 c "C7/E" c2 c\
| "F" c C2 "Fm" C2 C1/2C1/2\
| "C/G" G2 E "G7" E D2\
| "C" C3 -C2 z||
  z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2||
W: Why should I feel dis-couraged? 
W: Why should the shadows come?
W: Why should my heart be lonely?
W: And long for heaven and home. When
W: Je-sus is - my por-tions. My con-stant friend - is he: His
W: eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me. His
W: eye is on the sparrow and I know he watches me. I
W: sing be-cause I'm happy I
W: sing be-cause I'm free; For His
W: eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me. His
W: eye is on the sparrow and I know he watches me.

T:Holding My Saviour's Hand
  "C" G4 E2 F2 \
|G4 ^F2 G2 \
|"F" A8\
|"C" G8\
|C4 E2 A2 \
|"C Cdim" G4 ^F4\
|"G7" F8-|-F4 z4|
w: I shall have lover ev-er last-ing\
   Hold-ing my Sav-iour's hand
  "Dm" A4 F2 G2 \
|A4 A2 A2\
|"G7" D4 F2 B2\
|A4 _A4\
|"C" G8-|-G6 z2|
w: I shall have joy ev-er last-ing\
   Hold-ing my Sav-iour's hand 
   "C" G4 E2 F2\
|G4 ^F G \
|"F" A8\
|"C" G8\
|C4 E2 G2\
|"C7" c4 d4\
|"F" A8-|-A6 z2|
w:  Way from this world and it's sorr-ows\
    Way from the days of fears
  "F" c4 c2 c2 \
|"Cdim" B4 A4\
|"C" G8\
|"A7" E8\
|"Dm" F4 G2 F2\
|"G7" E4 D4\
|"C" C8-|-C6 z2|
w: I shall re-joice for ev-er \
   Hold-ing my Sav-iour's hand 
|: "C" E4 ^D2 E2 \
| "C" G4 "Cdim" ^F4\
| "G7" F8-|-F6 z2\
| B4 B2 B2\
| A4 _A4 \
| "C" G8-|-G6 z2|
w: Hold-ing my Sav-ior's hand\
   || Here in the pro-mised land
  "C" c4 c2 c2 \
|"C7" e4 d4 \
|"F" c8\
|A8| G4 "C" B2 A2 \
|"G7" F4 D4\
|"C" C8-|-C6 z2:|
w: Noth-ing on Earth can stop me\
   Hold-ing my Sav-iour's hand -

X: 1
T: Holy, Holy, Holy 
C: Piano 
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
R: 1861 J B Dykes - Recorders and Flutes
  "D" [D2A,][D2A,] "Bm" [F2D][F2D]\
| "A" [A4] [A4] & D2-C2 B,2C2\
| "G" [B3][B][B2][B2] & B,2C2D2E2\
| "D" [A4F][F4D]||
V:2 bass
  F,2 F,2 D,2 D,2\
| E,2 G,2 F,2-A,2 \
| G,2 A,2 B,2 C2\
| D2-A,2 A,4 ||
  "A/C#" [A3][A] "D" [A2] "A/C#" [A2]\
|"Bm" [d2] "E7/B" [d2] "A/C#" c2 "D" A2\
|"A/E" [E2] "E" [A2][B3]"A" [A]\
|"A  A7" [A8]||
V:2 bass
  z2 z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2 z2 ||
  "D" [D2A,][D2A,] "Bm" [F2D][F2D]\
| "A" [A3][B] [A4] & D2-C2 B,2C2\
| "G" [B3][B][B2][B2] & B,2C2D2E2\
| "D" [A4F][F4D]||
V:2 bass
  F,2 F,2 D,2 D,2\
| E,2 G,2 F,2-A,2 \
| G,2 A,2 B,2 C2\
| D2-A,2 A,4 ||
  "Bm" d4 "F#m" A2 "D7/F#" A2\
| "G" [B4D4] "D" F4 &x4 D2 "D7" =C2\
| "G" G2 E2 "A7" E3 "D" D\
| "D" D4D4||
V:2 bass
  z2 z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2 z2 ||

X: 1
T: Holy, Holy, Holy
C: Words
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
R: 1861 J B Dykes 
%%vocalfont Times-Roman 20
W:  1) Ho-ly, ho-ly, ho-ly! Lord God Al-migh-ty!
W:  Ear-ly in the morn-ing our song shale rise to Thee;
W:  Ho-ly, ho-ly, ho-ly, mer-~ci-~ful and migh-~ty!
W:  God in three Per-sons, bless-ed Trin-ni-ty!
W:  2) Holy, holy, holy! All the saints adore Thee,
W:  Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea;
W:  Cherubim and seraphim falling down before Thee,
W:  Who was, and is, and evermore shall be.
W:  3) Holy, holy, holy! though the darkness hide Thee,
W:  Though the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see;
W:  Only Thou art holy; there is none beside Thee,
W:  Perfect in power, in love, and purity.
W:  4) Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
W:  All Thy works shall praise Thy Name, in earth, and sky, and sea;
W:  Holy, holy, holy; merciful and mighty!
W:  God in three Persons, blessèd Trinity!

X: 1
T: How Great Thou Art
M: 3/4
L: 1/8
R: Hymn
K: C
G2 G2 G2\
|| "C" E6 G2\
| "C" G2 G2 "F" A2 A2\
| "F" F4 A4\
| "F" z2 A2 A2 A2|
w: Oh Lord My God. When\
   I in awe-some won-der. Con-sid-er
  "C" G6 E2\
| "G7" G2 G2 F2 F2\
| "C" E8\
| "G7" z2 G2 G2 G2||
w: all the works thy hands have made\
   - I see the 
  "C" E6 G2\
| "C" G2 G2 "F" A2 A2\
| "F" F4 A4\
| z2 A2 A2 A2|
w: Stars, I hear the migh-ty thun-der\
   Thy power through- 
  "C" G6 E2\
| "G7" G2 G2 F2 F2\
| "C" E8\
| z2 G2 G2 c2||
w: out the u-ni-verse dis-played Then sings my
  "C7" e6 d2\
| "F" c2 B2 c2 A2\
| "C" G8\
| z2 c2 c2 B2|
w: soul my sav-iour God to thee - How great thou art
  "G7" D8\
| z2 F2 A2 G2\
| "C" E8\
| z2 G2 G2 c2|
w: art. How great thou art. Then sings my
  "C7" e6 d2\
| "F" c2 B2 c2 A2\
| "C" G8\
| z2 c2 B2 c2|
w: soul my Savior God\
   to Thee. - How great thou
  "Dm" d8\
| "G7" z2 e2 f2 B2\
| "C" c8-|-c2 z2 z4||
w: art - How great thou art.

T:I Am a Pilgrim
D2 E2 G2 || "D7" A4 A4-\
| A2 z2 D2 E2\
| "G" G4 G4|-G2 z2 B2 A2||
V:2 bass
 z2 z2 z2 | z4 z4 \
| z4 z4 | z4 z4 | z4 z4 ||
  "C" G4-|-G2 A2 G2 E2\
| "G" D8-|-D2 z2 D2 EE||
V:2 bass
 z2 z2 | z4 z4 \
| z4 z4 | z4 z4 ||
  G4 G4-| "G7" -G2 d2 d2 e2\
| "C" d2 c4 A2\
| "Cm" _B4 G2 G2||
V:2 bass
 z2 z2 z2 z2 | z4 z4 \
| z4 z4 | z4 z4 ||
  "G" B2 G2 B2 c2\
| "D7" D2 B2 G2 E2\
| "G" G8|-G2 z2 z4||
V:2 bass
 z2 z2 z2 z2 | z4 z4\
 | z4 z4 | z4 z4 ||

X: 1
T: Immortal, invisible God Only Wise
K: A
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
 z4 "A" [A2]| "D" F2 D2 "Bm" B2\
| "E" G2 E2 "F#" A2\
| "A/E" c2 c2 "E" B2 "A" A4||
w: Im-mort-al In-vis-i-ble God on-ly wise.
V:2 bass
| z4 z2\
|: z3 z3\
| z3 z3\
| z3 z3\
| z4 z2 :|
| z4 "B" [B2]\
|: "E" G2 E2 "C#m" c2\
| "F#" A2 F2 "G#" B2\
| "B/F#" d2 d2 "F#" c2\
| "B" B4 B2 :|

R:William Blake
C: C Hubert H Parry
  "D" a3 "Bm7" A "G" G3/2"Adim"F1/2\
| "Em/G" B3 "Bb/F#" B "Em" -c"Edim"e\ 
| "Bm" ed cB "G" A3/2G1/2\
|: "D" A2 z D F A |
w:  .. .. .. .. .. ..\
    .. .. .. .. ..\
    .. .. .. .. and did those 
V:2 bass
  z4 z2 \
| z4 z2 \
| z4 z2 \
|: z4 z2 |
  "Bm" B3 d "G" B A1/2G1/2\
| "D" A4 "G" B A1/2 G1/2\
| "D" A F "Bm" E2 D2\
| "G" B,3 D "D" A A|
w: feet in an-cie-nt time.\
   Walk up-on Eng-land's ,moun-tains\
   green? And was the
  z4 z2 \
| z4 z2 \
| z4 z2 \
| z4 z2 |
  "Bm" B3 d "F#m" c B1/2A1/2 \
| "Bm" B3 "Bm6" B  "F#m" c F\
| "Bm7" A ^G "F#m" F2 "E" E2\
| "A" A3 E E F|
w: Ho-ly land of-God On Eng-land's pleasant\
   pas-tures seen?\
   And do the
  z4 z2 \
| z4 z2 \
| z4 z2 \
| z4 z2 |
  "Em" G3 "G/E" B "Am" A3/2 E1/2\
| "Em" G3 E "A7/E" G A\
| "G/D" B3 d "C/D" =c A\
| "G" B3 G "D" B d|
w: Coun-ten-ance di-vine\
   shine forth up-on our cloud-ed hills?\
   and was Je- 
  z4 z2 \
| z4 z2 \
| z4 z2 \
| z4 z2 |
  "Em" e3/2 d1/2 "A" c2 "A/G" c3/2 B1/2\
| "D/F#" A3 "D" A "Bm" d B\
| "D" A3 B "Gmaj7" F "A7" E\
| "D" D2 a3 "Bm7" A:|
w: ru-sa lem Build-ed here. A-mong those\
   dark sa-tan-ic mills?
  z4 z2 \
| z4 z2 \
| z4 z2 \
| z4 z2 :|

W:  And did those feet in ancient time,
W:  Walk upon England's mountains green:
W:  And was the holy Lamb of God,
W:  On England's pleasant pastures seen!
W:  And did the Countenance Divine,
W:  Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
W:  And was Jerusalem builded here,
W:  Among these dark Satanic Mills?
W:  Bring me my Bow of burning gold;
W:  Bring me my Arrows of desire:
W:  Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold!
W:  Bring me my Chariot of fire!
W:  I will not cease from Mental Fight,
W:  Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand:
W:  Till we have built Jerusalem,
W:  In England's green & pleasant Land.

X: 1
T:Joy to the World
R:G F Handel - Words - Lowell Mason 1839 
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
  "D"[d2D] "G"[cD]>[BD] "D" [A3D] "Em" [GE]\
| "D/A" [F2D] "A7"E2 "D"D3 A||
w: Joy to the world! The Lord has come. Let
V:2 bass 
  [D,2F,] [D,3/2][D,1/2] [D,3] [B,]\
| z2 z2 z2 z2||
  "G" B3 B "A7"c3 c\
| "D" d6 z d\
| "D" dc BA [A3/2][G1/2]\
  [DF] [Fd]||
w: Earth re-ceive her King.\
   Let ev- ery- heart---  pre-
V:2 bass
  z2 z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2 z2||
  "G/D" dc BA "D" [A3/2][G1/2]\
  [FD] [FD]\
| [FD][FD] [FD][F1/2D] [G1/2]\
  [A3F] [GE]1/2[FD]1/2 ||
w: pare - Him - room - - \
   and hea-ven and na-ture 
V:2 bass
  z2 z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2 z2||
  "A7" [EC][EC] [EC][E1/2C][F1/2D]\
   "A7" [G3E] [F1/2][E1/2]||
w: heaven and na-ture sing
V:2 bass
  z2 z2 z2 z2||
   "D" ([FD] [d2]) "G" B \
   "D" [A3/2][G1/2] \
   "D" [F2D] "A7" [E2C] "D" D4||
V:2 bass
  z2 z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2 z2||

X: 1
T:Joy to the World - Saxophone
R:March - G F Handel. Words by Lowell Mason 1839 
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
  "E"e2 "A" [d3][c] "E" B3 "F#m" A\
| "E" G2 "B7" F2 "E" E3 B\
  "A" c3 c "B7" d3 d\
| "E" e6 z e |
  "E" ed cB [B3][A] Ge\
| ed cB [B3/2][A1/2] G G\
| GG G[A1/2][B1/2] B3 A1/2G1/2|
 "B7" FF FF1/2G1/2 A3 G1/2^F1/2\
| "E" Ee- "A" cB "D" B3A "Em" GA\
| "E/B" G2 "B7" F2 |"E" E4||

T:Lord of the Dance
 D2| "G" G2 GG "Em" BABc\
| "Bm" d2 dd "Em" B2 BB|
w: I danced in the morn-ing when the world\
   was be-gun, and I
V:2 bass
z2 | z2 z2 z2 z2 | z2 z2 z2 z2 |
 "Am" A2 AA A2 AB\
| "D7" c-BAG F2 DD|
w: danced in the moon and the st-ars\
   and the sun, and I
V:2 bass
 z2 z2 z2 z2 \
 z2 z2 z2 z2 |
 "G" G2 GG "Em" BABc\
| "Bm" d2 dd "Em" zB||
V:2 bass
 z2 z2 z2 z2 \
 z2 z2 z2 z2 ||
  "Am" A2 A2 B2 A2\
| "C" G2 G2 "G" G2 z2|
V:2 bass
 z2 z2 z2 z2 \
| z2 z2 z2 z2 |
  "Refrain" "G" d4 "Bm" B3 A\
| BcBA G4\
| B2 BB d2 cB|
V:2 bass
 z2 z2 z2 z2 \
| z2 z2 z2 z2 \
  A2 A2 A2 DD\
| G2 G2 G3 A\
| BABc d2 cB|
w: SIX
V:2 bass
  z2 z2 z2 z2 \
| z2 z2 z2 z2 \
| z2 z2 z2 z2 |
  A2 A2 B2 BA\
| G2 G2 G2 z2||
V:2 bass
  z2 z2 z2 z2 \
| z2 z2 z2 z2 ||

X: 1
T: Now The Green Blade Riseth  - E Minor
R: John Macleod Campbell Crum
C: Optional 16-bar solos 
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/8 % default length
  "Intro" E^F GA|"E Melodic" Bc ^de\
|  "Minor" -e=d cB AG ^F E| !fermata! -E8| 
 "[A] on cue" "Em" A2 e2 "A" ^f2 d2\
|"Em" e4 c4\
|"D" d2 de "C"c2 B2|"Em" A8| 
w: Now the green blade ris-eth\
   from th-e bur-ied grain,
 "Em" A2e2 "A" ^f2d2\
|"Em" e4 c4\
|"D" d2 de "C" c2 B2 |"Em" A8| 
w: wheat that in dark ear-th\
   ma-n-y years has lain;
c4 B2 A2| B6 e2\
| "Em" c2 c2 "Am" B2 A2\
| "Em" B8||
w: love lives a-again that\
   with the dead has been:
"Em" A2 e2 "A" ^f2 d2\
| "B7" e4 c4\
| "D" d2 de "C" c2 B2\
| "B7 Em" A8||
w: Love is come a-gain like\
   wheat th-at sprin-eth green.
W: In the grave they laid Him, Love Whom we had slain,
W:Thinking that He'd never wake to life again,
W:Laid in the earth like grain that sleeps unseen:
W:Love is come again, like wheat that springs up green.
W:Up He sprang at Easter, like the risen grain,
W:He that for three days in the grave had lain;
W:Up from the dead my risen Lord is seen:
W:Love is come again, like wheat that springs up green. 
W:When our hearts are saddened, grieving or in pain,
W:By Your touch You call us back to life again;
W:Fields of our hearts that dead and bare have been:
W:Love is come again, like wheat that springs up green.

X: 1
T: Now The Green Blade Riseth
C: John Macleod Campbell Crum
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/8 % default length
F2 c2 ^d2 B2| c4 A4|
w: Now the green blade ris-eth
B2 B^c A2 ^G2| ^F8| 
w: from the bur-ied grain,
^F2^c2 ^d2B2| ^c4 A4|
w: wheat that in dark earth
B2 B^c A2 G2 | ^F8| 
w: many days has lain;
A4 G2 ^F2| G6 ^C2|
w: love lives a-again that
A2 A2 G2 ^F2| G8||
w: with the dead has been:
^F2 c2 ^d2 B2| ^c4 A4|
w: Love is come a-gain like
B2 B^c A2 G2| ^F8||
w: wheat th-at sprin-eth green.
W: In the grave they laid Him, Love Whom we had slain,
W:Thinking that He'd never wake to life again,
W:Laid in the earth like grain that sleeps unseen:
W:Love is come again, like wheat that springs up green.
W:Up He sprang at Easter, like the risen grain,
W:He that for three days in the grave had lain;
W:Up from the dead my risen Lord is seen:
W:Love is come again, like wheat that springs up green. 
W:When our hearts are saddened, grieving or in pain,
W:By Your touch You call us back to life again;
W:Fields of our hearts that dead and bare have been:
W:Love is come again, like wheat that springs up green.

T: Oh Worship the King All Glorious Above 
R: Psalm 149
K:G major
  "G" [DB,]\
| [GD][GD] "D" [AD]\
| "G" [B2D][GD] \
| "C" G "D7" A "G" {G}F\
| "D" G2 A ||
w: Oh, wor-ship the King\
   all-glor- ious a-bove, Oh
V:2 bass
| [B,G,,][F,B,,][F,D,]\
| [G,2][G,B,,]\
| [E,G,][F,A,][G,]\
| [D,3F,]||
 "G" BA "D" G\
| "G" F2 "C" G\
| "C" A G "D7" F\
| "G" D2 F||
w: grate-ful-ly sing his power\
   and his love: Our
V:2 bass
  zzz | zzz| zzz |zzz||
  GAB \
| "D7" GE "G" B \
| "D" BA "G" G\
| "D7" d2 D ||
w: shield and def-end-er,\
   the An-cient of Days. Pav
V:2 bass
 zzz | zzz| zzz |zzz||
  EFG | ADB | EAF | G2 z||
w: -il-ioned in splen-dor\
   and gir-ded with praise.
V:2 bass
  zzz | zzz| zzz |zzz||
W: O tell of his might and sing of his grace,
W: whose robe is the light, whose canopy space.
W: His chariots of wrath the deep thunderclouds form,
W: and dark is his path on the wings of the storm.
W: Your bountiful care, what tongue can recite?
W: It breathes in the air, it shines in the light;
W: it streams from the hills, it descends to the plain,
W: and sweetly distills in the dew and the rain.
W: Frail children of dust, and feeble as frail,
W: in you do we trust, nor find you to fail.
W: Your mercies, how tender, how firm to the end,
W: our Maker, Defender, Redeemer, and Friend!
W: O measureless Might, unchangeable Love,
W: whom angels delight to worship above!
W: Your ransomed creation, with glory ablaze,
W: in true adoration shall sing to your praise!

X: 1
T: Praise, my soul
C: Tenor Saxophone
K: E
R: Top melody then chord tones under vocals
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
  "E" [B2] [B2] & [E4G4]\
| "B7/F#" [B2] [B2] & F4\
| "E/G#" e2 d2 & G4\
| "A" [c4A]\
| "E" [B4E]||
  "A" A2 "E" G2\
| "A" c2 "E" B2\
| "C#m" G2 "F#m" A2\  
| "B" [D4F] ||
  "G#/C" G2 G2 \
| "C#m" G2 "G#" G2\
| "C#m" c2 "C#7/F" B2\
| "F#sus4" B2 "Gdim" ^A2 ||
  "G#m" B2 c2\
| "B" d2 "E" e2\
|  G2 "F#" ^A2\
| "B" B4 ||
  "E" e2 d2\
| "A" c2 "B" B2\
| "C#m" e2 d2\
| "B7" c2 B2||
  "C#m" c2 "B" B2\
| "A" A2 F2\
| "E/B" [B,2E] "B7" [B,2D]\
| "E" [B,4E]||

X: 1
T: Praise, my soul
C: Words
K: E
%%MIDI program 1 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 2 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 3 0 % Piano 1
%%MIDI program 4 0 % Piano 1
W: Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven;
W: To His feet thy tribute bring.
W: Ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven,
W: Evermore His praises sing:
W: Praise Him, praise Him, alleluia!
W: Praise the everlasting King.
W: Praise Him for His grace and favor
W: To our fathers in distress;
W: Praise Him still the same as ever,
W: Slow to chide, and swift to bless.
W: Praise Him, praise Him, alleluia!
W: Glorious in His faithfulness.
W: Fatherlike He tends and spares us,
W: Well our feeble frame He knows;
W: In His hands He gently bears us,
W: Rescues us from all our foes.
W: Praise Him, praise Him, alleluia!
W: Widely yet His mercy flows.
W: Frail as summer’s flow’r we flourish,
W: Blows the wind and it is gone;
W: But while mortals rise and perish,
W: Our God lives unchanging on.
W: Praise Him, praise Him, alleluia!
W: Praise the high Eternal One!
W: Angels, help us to adore Him,
W: Ye behold Him face to face;
W: Sun and moon, bow down before Him;
W: Dwellers all in time and space,
W: Praise Him, praise Him, alleluia!
W: Praise with us the God of grace.

T:Praise the Lord! Ye Heavens Adore Him - Prelude
R:Psalm 148  - Prelude 1839 
A2 |d2d2 cB AG\
|d2A2 df ed\
|| {d2}c4 z2 e2|\
c2A2 d2B2|c2f2 e2d2\
|c4 B4|A4 z2A2|
  d4 e4|f4 z2d2|B2e2 A2f2|g2A2 B2e2\
| d4 c4| d6 "^Chorus" A2\
| d2d2 cBAG|F4 z2A2|
  d2f2 f2d2|e4 z2e2\
| c2A2 ^G2A2|B2d2 c2f2\
| (e2d2) (c2B2)|A4z2 "^Sym"e2\
| c2e2 f2g2|a2^gf e2d2|
  c4 B4|"*"A6 A2\
|| d4 e4|f4 z2d2|B2e2 A2d2\
| G2B2 E2A2\
| (ABcd) e2f2|g4 z2f2|
  (f2e2) (d2c2)|d6"^Sym"f2|\
g2b2 e2g2|f2a2 d2f2|f4 e4|"*"d6|]

T:Praise the Lord! Ye Heavens Adore Him 
R:Rowland H Pritchard 1830
  [G4D] [F2A]\
| [G4] [G2B2] & G3-A\
| [A4c] [G2B]\
| [F2A] [G2E] [F2A]||
V:2 bass
  [B,4] [A,2D,] & G,,2-B,,2\
| z2 z2 z2 \
| z2 z2 z2 \
| z2 z2 z2 ||
  [d4] c2 & G2-D2 EF\
| [B4] [B2] & G4 GF\
| A2 G2 [A2F]\
| G6||
V:2 bass
  z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2||
  G4 A2\
| G4 B2 & G3-A \
| c4 B2\
| A2 G2 A2||
V:2 bass
  z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2\
| z2 z2 z2||
W: Praise the Lord ye heavens adore him.
W: Praise him angels, in the height;
W: Sun and moon, rejoice before him;
W: Praise him, all ye stars of light.
W: Praise the Lord! for he has spoken;
W: Worlds his mighty voice obeyed;
W: Laws which never shall be broken
W: For their guidance he has made.
W: Praise the Lord! for he is glorious;
W: Never shall his promise fail;
W: God has made his saints victorious;
W: Sin and death shall not prevail.
W: Praise the God of our salvation!
W: Hosts on high his pow'r proclaim;
W: Heaven, and Earth, and all creation,
W: Laud and magnify his name.
W: Worship, honour, glory, blessing,
W: Lord, we offer unto thee;
W: Young and old, thy praise expressing,
W: In glad homage bend the knee.
W: All the saints in Heaven adore thee,
W: We would bow before thy throne;
W: As thine angels serve before thee,
W: So on Earth thy will be done.

R: Noel Gilderwood
"Verse" G2 G2 z2 ^FB| eA DG c4\
| c4 z2 z2 | z2 z2 d2 d2|
 z2 F_B\
| _e_A _d_G G4 | -G8|
 z2 GB d4\
| d4 G2 g2\
| a2 d4 z1 \
| Z1| 
 G2 G2 z2 dB\
| G2 B2 e2 a2 | d8| Z1|
"Chorus" EG Bd A2 e2 \
| A2 e2 e4\
| EG Bd A2 e2 \
| A2 E2-E4|
  EG Bd A2 e2 \
| A2 e2 c4\
| ge Bd A2 e2 \
| G4 z4||

X: 1
T: Sweet Fields (Tenor Sax) 
L: 1/8
C: Traditional Hymn
M: 4/4
K: F
  "F" c4 A2 G2|F4 G2^G2|A4 c4 |f8\
|c4 A2 G2|F4 A2 F2|"C7" G8|-G4z4|
  "F" c4 A2 G2|F4 G2^G2|A4 c4 |f8\
|c4 A2 G2|"C7" A4 G4\
|"F" F8|-F2 c2 d2 e2|
   "F" f8\
|-f4 d4\
|c8|-c2 zcdc\
|f4 d4| c4 A4\
|"C7" G8\
|-G2 c2 d2 e2|
  "F" f8|-f4 d4\
|c8|-c4 z2 F2\
|A2 F2 A2 F2\
|"C7" A4 G4\
|"F" F8|-F4 z4||

T:Welcome Everybody
W: Here we are together, now we can begin
W: The youngest and the oldest,
W: The only child, the twin
W: Some who are feeling left out and some who are feeling in
W: Gathering in this place
W: Welcome everybody, its good to see you here
W: Welcome everybody, its good to see you here
W: Welcome everybody, its good to see you here
W: Gathering in this place
W: Here we are together, joining in this song
W: Even those who feel that their singings not that strong
W: And as we sing may every person know that they belong
W: Gathering in this place
W: Welcome everybody, its good to see you here
W: Here we are together, with our hopes and fears
W: Bringing many feelings, our laughter and our tears
W: And now its time for everyone to tell the world, WERE HERE!
W: Gathering in this place
W: Welcome everybody, its good to see you here...

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