39 Music Sheets in Jacqui

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🏡 Just the Tunes

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%pdfname pdf-tunebook 

T:Air on The G String
R:Chromatic movement across 1st & 2nd 
B:This is an exercise jumping between the registers
B: 1st and 2nd registers use the same fingerings except 2nd register 'd' can 
B: lift off the left hand little finger
B:You can work through the whole register descending and ascending chromatically
B:Make up your own similar lines. 
 "Piano" [D8GB]\
|[-E4G4] ec {d}cB FG & B2\
|[A,8D] E D3 |
V:2 bass
G,,2 G,2 F,2 F,,2\
 "Flute" G2 g2 ^f2 ^F2\
|"Primary" =F2=f2e2E2\
|"Harmonics" ^C2^c2=c4-\
w: G G f# F# F f e E Eb Eb d D\
   C# C# C C C

X: 1
T: Baa Baa Black Sheep
R: Key of G Major 
M: 2/4
L: 1/8
C: Nursery 
K: G
B: I thought this looks easier in 2/4 time. (LW)
w: Baa baa Black Sheep\
   have you an-y wool?
w: Yes, sir. Yes, sir\
   Three bags full
 d2 dd|c2 cc|B2 BB|A2 zA|
w: One for the mas-ter and\
   one for the dame. And
d2 dd|cdec|B2 AA|G2z2|
w: one for the lit-tle boy who\
   lives down the lane
% Baa baa Black sheep" G2G2d2d2 \
% Have you any wool" e^fged2z2|
% Yes, sir. Yes, sir 
% Three bags full

X: 1
T: Blue Inversions 
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
R: Blues
K: G
O: Major Triad Inversions)
 "(1)" "G" !accent!Bd !^!\
 gB d!^!g Bd\
|"(2)" "G" !accent! gBd!^!g z2 z2\
|"(3)" "G"!accent!Bd !^!gB d!^!g Bd\
|"(4)" "G" !^!gB d!^!g z2z2|
w: 3 5 8 3 5 8 3 5 8 3 5 8\
   - - 3 5 8 3 5 8 3 5 8 3 5 8 
  "(5)" "C" !accent! ce !^!gc e!^!g ce\
| "(6)" !^!gc e!^!g z2 z2\
| "(7)" "G" !accent!Bd !^!gB d!^!g Bd\
| "(8)" !^!gB d!^!g z2 z2||
w: 1 3 5 1 3 5 1 3 5 1 3 5\
   - - 1 3 5 1 3 5 1 3 5 1 3 5 - - 
  "(9)" "D" fa !accent!c'f a!accent!c' fa\
| "(10)" !accent!c'f a!accent!c' z2z2\
| "(11)" "G" gg gg gg gg\
| "(12)" !^!g2 !accent!f2 !accent!c2 !accent!G2|
w: 1 3 5 1 3 5 1 3 5 1 3 5

T:Build G-Major Scale 
R:Make up new lines yourself to add more of the seven notes
O: 8=1 up high
  "G" G2G2G2G2 |"G" G2G2G2G2 \
|"G" G2G2G2 "7" ^F2\
|"G" G4- "8" -G4|
w: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 -
  "G" G2 "Am" A2 "G" G2 "Am" A2\
|"G" G2 "Am" A2 "G" G2 "Am" A2\
|"Am" A2 G2 "Am" "7" ^F2 G2 \
|"G" G8|
w: 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 7 8 8 
  "G" G2 "Am" A2 "Bm" B2B2\
|"G" G2 "Am" A2 "Bm" B4\
|"G" G2A2B2 "D" "7" ^F2\
|"G" G8|
w: 1 2 3 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 7 1 
  "G" G4 c4 \
|"G" G2A2B2c2\
|"D7" A4 c3 "7" ^F\
|"G" G8|
w: 1 f 1 2 3 4 2 4 7 1
 "D" d4 B3 c\
| d2 g4 ^fg|!^!a2 !^!g2 !^!^f2 !^!e2\
| z4 z2 ^fg|
w: Fros-ty the Snow-man
  !^!a2 !^!g2 !^!^f2 !^! e2\
| d2 g2 B2 Bc| d2 c2 B2 A2| G6 z2||
 "Clock 7th to 4th" f2 _B2 _E2 _A2\
|_d2 ^F2 =B2 =G2\

X: 1
T: Silent Night 
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
R: Slow
K: C
"C" G3A G2| E6\
| "C" G3A G2 | E6\
| "G" d4 d2 | "G7" B6|
w: Si-i-lent night\
   Ho-o-ly night\
   All is calm.  
V:2 bass
  [C,6E,]| [C,6E,]| [C,6E,]\
| [C,6E,]| [G,6B,]| [G,6F,,]|
"Tenor" A3 B [A2] & D2 F2 xx\
| F6\
| A3 B [A2] & D2 F2 xx\
| F6\
| e4 e2 & G2 B2 D2\
| c6 & G6|
K: C
 "C" c4 c2 | "C7" G6\
| "F" A4 A2 | c3 B A2\
| "C" G3 A G2 | E6|
w: All is bright.\
   Round yon Vi-r-gin\
   Mo-ther and child.
  [C,6E,]| [C,6E,]| [C,6E,]\
| [C,6E,]| [G,6B,]| [G,6F,,]|
 d4 d2| A6\
| B4 B2| d3 c B2\
| A3 B A2| F6|
K: C
 "F" A4 A2 | c3 B A2\
| "C" G3A G2 | E6\
| "G" d4 d2 | "G7" f3d B2|
w: Ho-ly in-fant so ten-der and mild.\
   Sleep in hea-ven-ly 
 [F,6A,] | [F,6A,]\
| [C,6] |[C,6] | [G,6] | [C,6F,]|
 B4 B2| d3 c B2\
 | A3B A2|F6\
 | e4 e2| g3 e c2|
K: C
 "Am" c6 | "C" e6\
|"C" c2G2E2 | "G7" G3F D2\
|"C" C6|-C6||
w: pea-eace\
   Sle-eep in heav-en-ly peace.
 [A,6C,] | [C,6G,]\
| [C,6E,] | [F,6C,]\
| [C,6E,] | [-C,6E,] ||
 d6| f6\
| d2 A2 F2 |A3 G E2\
| D6 | -D6 ||

T:Clock 5-5-4-5-7-8
R:Happy Birthday. This phrase can choose from two keys     
[K:A] "A" ee ^f2e2|a2 ^g4 ||
w: E E F# E A G#
[K:D] "D" aa b2a2|d'2 ^c'4 ||
w: A A B A D C# 
[K:G] "G" dd e2d2|g2 ^f4||
w: D D E D G F#
[K:C] "C" gg a2g2|c'2 =b4||
w: G G A G C B 
[K:F] "F" =cc d2c2|f2 e4||
w: C C D C F E
[K:Bb] "Bb" =ff g2f2|B2 a4||
w: F F G F Bb A
[K:Eb] "Eb" _BB c2B2|_e2 d4||
w: Bb Bb C Bb Eb D

X: 1
T: Drunken Sailor 
R: Piano & Guitar
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
C: Sea Shanty
K: Amin
|: "Chorus" "Am" A2 AAA2 AA |A2 D2 F2 A2\
|G2 GG G2 GG| G2 C2 E2 G2|
 "Am" A2 AAA2 AA | A2 B2 c2 d2\
|c2 A2 G2 E2|D4 D4|
  A4 A3 A|A2 D2 F2 A2\
|G4 G3 G|G2 C2 E2 G2|
 A4 A3 A|A2 B2 c2 d2\
|c2 A2 G2 E2|D4 D4:|

T:Flute Fingerings Top Register
C:Descending down the page
B:Top register notes use opening gaps to produce high harmonics
B:Try to understand how the harmonics work.
B:Guess the fundamental
B: Example E note is the 2nd harmonic of an A 
% FONTs work on W: fields but on the web ABC they don't work in text directives
% Fortunately the W: fields don't require NOTES 
%sep 0.2cm 0.2cm 16cm
%%textfont * 18
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%%sep 0.2cm 0.2cm 20cm
%%center Probably best to work this page bottom up
%%center because the highest are VERY HARD!! 
%%sep 0.2cm 0.2cm 20cm
"Rare stretch" "D" d''2 "C#" ^c''2\
"Official top"  "C" c''2\
"B" =b'2 "Bb" _b'2  "A" =a'2\ 
"Ab" _a'2 "G" g'2 "F#" ^f'2\
"F" f'2 "E" =e'2 "Eb" _e'2\
"D" d'2\
"Middle register" "C#" ^c'2 "C" c'2 
W: $3D $0 Left thumb and 3. Right 1&2. Right hand pinky to low C
W: $3C# $0 As A natural, without thumb, left little finger. No little finger unless B-foot. 
W: $3C $0 As middle Ab, but n thumb. Right 1 (gizmo key option). 
W: $3B $0 Left Thumb 1&3. Right 2 + 2nd trill key.
W: $3Bb  $0 Left thumb + (1 on 1 off). Right 2 on 1st trill key.
W: $3A  $0 Left 2. Right 1 
W: $3Ab  $0 2 3 & little finger on G# key. Right all off
W: $3G  $0 1 2 & 3 but without thumb. Right all off
W: $3F#  $0 Left 1 & 3. Right 2. Lift up left hand 2nd finger.
W: $3F  $0 Left 1 & 3. Right 1. Lift up left hand 2nd finger.  
W: $3E  $0 Left 1 & 2 Right 1 & 2 (2+2= harmonic of A). 
W: $3Eb  $0 same as middle Eb, just add your left hand 1st finger and left hand pinky
W: $3D  $0 Left 1 2 & 3 but lift 1st finger. Right lift all up

T:Flute Fingerings Middle Register
B:Mostly overblowing the 1st register.
B:Work down the page.
B:Not as many notes as the first register.
% FONTs work on W: fields but on the web ABC they don't work in text directives
% Fortunately the W: fields don't require NOTES 
%addlink=/podcast/listen/elms-vale-music|Music Club Podcast%
%sep 0.2cm 0.2cm 16cm
%%textfont * 18
%%setfont-1 Helvetica 24
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%%setfont-4 Courier 20
"C#" ^c'2 "C" c'2 "B" =b2\
"Bb" _b2 "A" =a2\ 
"Ab" _a2 "G" g2 "F#" ^f2\
"F" f2 "E" =e2 "Eb" _e2\ 
"D" d2 
W: $3C#  $0 Left all up. Right all up little finger to hold. Overblow 
W: $3C  $0 Left 1 Right all up. $2 Overblow 
W: $3B  $0 Left 1 thumb only one. $2 Overblow 
W: $3Bb  $0 Left 1 Thumb only 1 Right 2 OR Left 1 Thumb both 
W: $3A  $0 Left 12 Right all up 
W: $3Ab $0 Left 123 + little finger on G# key Right all up 
W: $3G  $0 Left 123 Right all up but can use little finger to hold  
W: $3F#  $0 Left 123 Right 2 
W: $3F  $0 Left 123 Right 1 
W: $3E  $0 Left 123 Right 12 
W: $3Eb $0 Left 123 Right 123 Right little finger down but not on roller pair   
W: $3D $0 Left 123 Right 123 Both little fingers up
W: $3 ALTERNATIVES $0 C sharp and C natural below this D are not played in this register
W: $3C# $0 Left 123 Right 123 + slide 4th off the roller bar 
W: $3C $0 $0Close all keys. Left 123 4off Right 123+ 4th lower2 roller bars down

T:Top Register Flute Fingerings
C:Descending down the page
B:Top register notes use opening gaps to produce high harmonics
% FONTs work on W: fields but on the web ABC they don't work in text directives
% Fortunately the W: fields don't require NOTES 
%sep 0.2cm 0.2cm 16cm
%%textfont * 18
%%setfont-1 Helvetica 24
%%setfont-2 Times-Italic 14
%%setfont-3 Helvetica-Bold 16
%%setfont-4 Courier 20
"E" ^e'2  "D#" ^d'2\ 
"D" d'2 "C#" ^c'2 "C" c'2\
"B" =b2 "Bb" _b2  "A" =a2\ 
"Ab" _a2 "G" g2 "F#" ^f2\
"F" f2 "E" =e2 "Eb" _e2\
"D" d2 "C#" ^c2 "C" c2 
W: $3E $0 Left 123 | Right 1 2 & 2nd trill key
W: $3D# $0 Left thumb and 3 | Right 1st trill key & 2   
W: $3D $0 Left thumb and 3. Right 1&2. Right hand pinky to low C
W: $3C# $0 As A natural, without thumb, left little finger. No little finger unless B-foot. 
W: $3C $0 As middle Ab, but n thumb. Right 1 (gizmo key option). 
W: $3B $0 Left Thumb 1&3. Right 2 + 2nd trill key.
W: $3Bb  $0 Left thumb + (1 on 1 off). Right 2 on 1st trill key.
W: $3A  $0 Left 2. Right 1 
W: $3Ab  $0 2 3 & little finger on G# key. Right all off
W: $3G  $0 1 2 & 3 but without thumb. Right all off
W: $3F#  $0 Left 1 & 3. Right 2. Lift up left hand 2nd finger.
W: $3F  $0 Left 1 & 3. Right 1. Lift up left hand 2nd finger.  
W: $3E  $0 Left 1 & 2 Right 1 & 2 (2+2= harmonic of A). 
W: $3Eb  $0 same as middle Eb, just add your left hand 1st finger and left hand pinky
W: $3D  $0 Left 1 2 & 3 but lift 1st finger. Right lift all up

T:Flute Skills 
R:What can you do with the clock?
[M:4/4] |: "Quavers" G2 BB d2 G2\
|G2 BB d2 G2\
|G2 BB d2 G2|B2 A2 G4:|
w: G B & D G G B & D G G B & D G B A G 
[M:3/4] |: "Waltz Time"\
  G4 G2|G4 G2\
|G4 G2|c4 B2|G4 G2|d4 c2|A4 A2| G6:| 
w: G G G G G G C B G G D C A A G 
[M:4/4][K:G] "G-major"\
 "G" (3GBd "Am" (3Ace \
 "triad" "Bm" (3Bd^f "arpeggios" "C" (3ceg\ 
 "D" (3d^fa "Em" (3egb \
 "Fdim" (3^fac' 
w: G B D A C E B D F C E G D F A E G B F A C
[M:4/4] "Rests"\
  G2 z2 G2 z2\
|G2 GB z2 z2\
|G2 z2 c2 c2|z4 G4||
w: G G G G A | G C C G
[M:4/4] "Middle Register" d2 _e2 e2 f2\
|^f2 g2 _a2 =a2\
|_b2 =b2 c'2 ^c'2||
w: D Eb E F F# G Ab A Bb B C C#
[M:4/4] "Top Register" d'2 _e'2 e'2 f'2\
|^f'2 g'2 _a'2 =a'2\
|_b'2 =b'2 c''4||
w: D(L023R000) Eb E F F# G Ab A Bb B C 
[M:4/4] "Low Notes" C4 ^C4|D4 _E4\
|F4 ^F4 | G4 A4| _B4 ^c4 ||
w: C C# D Eb A F# C# A Bb C#
[M:4/4] "Lower Neighbours"\
  {^F}G8 | {_B}c8 | {E}F8 |  {^c}d8 ||
 "Clock" F2 _B2 _E2 _A2\
|_D2 ^F2 =B2 E2 | A2  D2 G2 C2||
w: F Bb Eb Ab | Db F# B E | A D G C

R:Canon 1-2-3-1 1-2-3-1 3-4-5 3-4-5
T:Frere Jacques 
|: "D" [D2d2] [E2e] [^F2f] [D2d]\
| [D2d] [E2e] [^F2f] [D2d]\
| [^F2f] [G2g] [A4a]\
| [^F2f] [g2G] [a4A]|
  ab ag [^F2f] [D2d]\
| ab ag [^F2f] [D2d]\
| [d2] [A2] [d4]\
| [d2] [A2] [d4] :|
|: "G" G2 A2 B2 G2\
| G2 A2 B2 G2\
| B2 c2 d4\
| B2 c2 d4|
  de dc B2 G2\
| de dc B2 G2\
| B2 c2 d4\
| B2 c2 d4 :|
 "C" c2 d2 e2 c2\
| c2 d2 e2 c2\
| e2 f2 g4\
| e2 f2 g4|
  ga gf e2 c2\
| ga gf e2 c2\
|c2 G2 c4\
|c2 G2 c4|
 "[A]" "F Canons" F2 G2\
| A2 F2 F2 G2\
| A2 F2 !breath! "[B]" A2 B2\
| c4 A2 B2| c4 !breath! "[C]" cd cB|
w: Fre-re Jac-ques. Fre-re Jac-ques\
   Dor-mez vous? Dor-mez vous?\
   Son-nez les ma-
A2 F2 cd cB| A2 F2 !breath! "[D]" F2 C2\
| F4 F2 C2| F4 !breath! :|
w: ti-nes Son-nez les ma-ti-nes\
   Din don dan Din don dan.

X: 1
T: G Major Triads
L: 1/8
R: Triads 
K: G
%%center G maj | Am | Bm | C maj | D maj | Em | F# dim   
%%center Triads inverted on piano and arpeggiated on wind instruments
%%sep 0.2cm 0.2cm 20cm
 [M: 2/4]  "I" "Gmaj" [G2Bd][g2bd']\
|"ii" "Am" [A2ce][a2c'e']\
|"iii" "Bm" [B4df]\
|"IV" "Cmaj" [C2EG][c2eg]\
|"V" "Dmaj" [d4^fa]\
|"vi" "Em" [E2GB][e2gb]\
|"vii-dim" "F#dim" [F2Ac][f2ac']|
%%center Seventh Chords
%%center When you see only "7" it's a FLAT Seventh of that Note's scale
%%center G7 is NOT in the scale of G, having an f#
%%center G7 is V7 of the C-major scale
%%sep 0.2cm 0.2cm 20cm
M: 4/4
  "ii" "Am7" [A4ceg]\
"V" "Dmaj7" [D4FAc]\
|"I" "Gmaj7" [G4Bd^f]\
"iii" "Bm7" [B4dfa]\
|"vi" "Em7" [E4GBd]\
"IV" "Cmaj7" [C4EGB]\
|"vii-dim" "F#dim7" [F4Ace] G4|
%%center ii V I arpeggios, triads and seventh chords
M: 3/4
  "Am" (3Ace "D7" d^fac "Gmaj7" Bd^fg\
|"Am" (3cea "D" (3^FAd "G" (3gbd'\
|"Am" (3eac' "D7" cAd^f "G" (3Bdg|
  "Am" (3cae "D" (3Ad^f "G" (3bgd\
|"Am" (3aec "D" (3Ad^f "G" (3gdB\
|"Am" (3ecA "D" (3Ad^f "G" (3dBG ||

X: 1
T: Happy Birthday 
M: 3/4
L: 1/8
O: Traditional 
R: "Allegro" 1/4 = 120 % tempo
K: C
Q: 80
  "C-Major" z2 z2 GG\
|A2 G2 c2 \
|B2 z2 GG \
|A2 G2 d2 |
w: - - 5 5 6 5 8 7 - 5 5 6 5 9 
  c2 z2 GG \
|g2 e2 c2\
|B2 A2 ff\
|e2 c2 d2 \
|c4 z2 [K:G]||
w: 8 5 5 12 10 8 7 6 11 4 3 1 2 1
  "G-major" z2 z2 DD\
|E2 D2 G2\
|F2 z2 DD|
  E2 D2 A2\
|G2 z2 DD\
|d2 B2 G2|
  E2 E2 cc\
|B2 G2 A2\
|G4 z2 [K:F]||
  "F-Major" z2 z2 cc\
|d2 c2 f2\
|e2 z2 cc\
|d2 c2 g2|
  f2 z2 cc\
|c'2 a2 f2\
|e2 d2 bb\
|a2 f2 g2| f4 z2|| 
  C> C | "F"D2C2F2 | "C"E3 z C> C | "C"D2C2G2 | "F"F3 z C> C |
w: Hap-py birth-day to you, Hap-py birth-day to you, hap-py
"F"c2A2F2 | "Bb"E2D z B> B | "F"A2F2"C"G2 | "F"F6 |]
w: birth-day dear fel-low, hap-py birth-day to you!

T:Corner Stone
C: Moderately Slow
"Piano Intro" "C" zF FE EDDC\
|"F/A" zF FE ED DC\
| "F" zF FE EDDC|"G" zF FE EDDC||
V:2 bass
C,8 | A,,8| F,8|G,8||
  "Verse" "C" zCEG G3C\
| DE E6|"F" zF FA A3E| "G" ED D6|
w: My hope is built on noth-ing less\
w: than Jesus' blood and right-eous-ness
w: When dark-ness Seems to\
   hide his face.\
   I rest on his un-changing grace.
w: When we shall come\
   with trum-pet sound\
   Oh, may I then in him be found
  C,8 | C,6 C,2| F,8 | G,6 G,2|
 "Am7" zC EG G3C|"G" DE E6\
| "F" zF FE "G" DEDC| "C" C8 |  
w: I dare not trust the sweet-est frame\
   But whol-ly trust in Je-sus' name
w: In eve-ry high and stor-my gale\
   My an-chor holds with-in the viel
w: Dressed in his right-eous-ness a-lone\
   Fault-less stand be-fore the throne 
  A,8 | G,6 G,2\
| F,4 G,4| C,F,F,E, E,D,D,C, |
 "Chorus" "C" z4 E2 D2\
| "F" C2 z2 "Am" F2 E2\
| "G" D2 z2 "C/E" E2 D2\
| "F" C2 zC1/2C1/2 "Am" F2 -F1/2ED1/2|
w: Christ A-lone Cor-ner stone\
   Weak made strong. In the\
"G" -D2 z2 "C" E2 G2\
| "F" C2 z2 "Am" F2 E2\
| "G" D2 z2 E2 D2|C8||
w: love Through the storm\
   He is Lord.\
   Lord of all

X: 1
T: How Great Thou Art
M: 3/4
L: 1/8
R: Hymn
K: C
G2 G2 G2\
|| "C" E6 G2\
| "C" G2 G2 "F" A2 A2\
| "F" F4 A4\
| "F" z2 A2 A2 A2|
w: Oh Lord My God. When\
   I in awe-some won-der. Con-sid-er
  "C" G6 E2\
| "G7" G2 G2 F2 F2\
| "C" E8\
| "G7" z2 G2 G2 G2||
w: all the works thy hands have made\
   - I see the 
  "C" E6 G2\
| "C" G2 G2 "F" A2 A2\
| "F" F4 A4\
| z2 A2 A2 A2|
w: Stars, I hear the migh-ty thun-der\
   Thy power through- 
  "C" G6 E2\
| "G7" G2 G2 F2 F2\
| "C" E8\
| z2 G2 G2 c2||
w: out the u-ni-verse dis-played Then sings my
  "C7" e6 d2\
| "F" c2 B2 c2 A2\
| "C" G8\
| z2 c2 c2 B2|
w: soul my sav-iour God to thee - How great thou art
  "G7" D8\
| z2 F2 A2 G2\
| "C" E8\
| z2 G2 G2 c2|
w: art. How great thou art. Then sings my
  "C7" e6 d2\
| "F" c2 B2 c2 A2\
| "C" G8\
| z2 c2 B2 c2|
w: soul my Savior God\
   to Thee. - How great thou
  "Dm" d8\
| "G7" z2 e2 f2 B2\
| "C" c8-|-c2 z2 z4||
w: art - How great thou art.

T:Morning Has Broken
R:Flute - G major 
C: Hymn 1931
R: Traditional Gaelic Melody
 " " G2 B2 d2 | [g6] | [a6]\
| [f2][e2][d2]|[e4]fe|[d6]|
w: Mor-ning has bro-ken\
   Like the first mo-r -ning
w: Sweet the rain new fall\
   sun set from hea - ven
G2 [A2][B2]|[d6]|e6\
   |[d2] [B2] [G2]| A6-|-A6|
w: black  bird has spo-ken\
   like the first bird -
w: like the first dew fall \
   on the first grass
d2 B2 d2|g6|e6\
   |d2 B2 G2|G6|[A6] |
w: Praise for the sing-ing\
   Praise for the morn-ing
w: Praise for the sweet-ness\
   of the wet gar-den 
w: Praise for them spring-ing \
   fresh from the Word!
w: sprung in com-plete-ness\
   where his feet pass

X: 1
T: Now The Green Blade Riseth  - E Minor
R: John Macleod Campbell Crum
C: Optional 16-bar solos 
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/8 % default length
  "Intro" E^F GA|"E Melodic" Bc ^de\
|  "Minor" -e=d cB AG ^F E| !fermata! -E8| 
 "[A] on cue" "Em" A2 e2 "A" ^f2 d2\
|"Em" e4 c4\
|"D" d2 de "C"c2 B2|"Em" A8| 
w: Now the green blade ris-eth\
   from th-e bur-ied grain,
 "Em" A2e2 "A" ^f2d2\
|"Em" e4 c4\
|"D" d2 de "C" c2 B2 |"Em" A8| 
w: wheat that in dark ear-th\
   ma-n-y years has lain;
c4 B2 A2| B6 e2\
| "Em" c2 c2 "Am" B2 A2\
| "Em" B8||
w: love lives a-again that\
   with the dead has been:
"Em" A2 e2 "A" ^f2 d2\
| "B7" e4 c4\
| "D" d2 de "C" c2 B2\
| "B7 Em" A8||
w: Love is come a-gain like\
   wheat th-at sprin-eth green.
W: In the grave they laid Him, Love Whom we had slain,
W:Thinking that He'd never wake to life again,
W:Laid in the earth like grain that sleeps unseen:
W:Love is come again, like wheat that springs up green.
W:Up He sprang at Easter, like the risen grain,
W:He that for three days in the grave had lain;
W:Up from the dead my risen Lord is seen:
W:Love is come again, like wheat that springs up green. 
W:When our hearts are saddened, grieving or in pain,
W:By Your touch You call us back to life again;
W:Fields of our hearts that dead and bare have been:
W:Love is come again, like wheat that springs up green.

X: 1
T: Now The Green Blade Riseth
C: John Macleod Campbell Crum
M: 4/4 % time signature
L: 1/8 % default length
F2 c2 ^d2 B2| c4 A4|
w: Now the green blade ris-eth
B2 B^c A2 ^G2| ^F8| 
w: from the bur-ied grain,
^F2^c2 ^d2B2| ^c4 A4|
w: wheat that in dark earth
B2 B^c A2 G2 | ^F8| 
w: many days has lain;
A4 G2 ^F2| G6 ^C2|
w: love lives a-again that
A2 A2 G2 ^F2| G8||
w: with the dead has been:
^F2 c2 ^d2 B2| ^c4 A4|
w: Love is come a-gain like
B2 B^c A2 G2| ^F8||
w: wheat th-at sprin-eth green.
W: In the grave they laid Him, Love Whom we had slain,
W:Thinking that He'd never wake to life again,
W:Laid in the earth like grain that sleeps unseen:
W:Love is come again, like wheat that springs up green.
W:Up He sprang at Easter, like the risen grain,
W:He that for three days in the grave had lain;
W:Up from the dead my risen Lord is seen:
W:Love is come again, like wheat that springs up green. 
W:When our hearts are saddened, grieving or in pain,
W:By Your touch You call us back to life again;
W:Fields of our hearts that dead and bare have been:
W:Love is come again, like wheat that springs up green.

T:Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
R:Johann Sebastian Bach BWV 147
B:EnglishTap - Church Road Dover 
(3zGA (3Bdc (3ced\
|(3dgf (3gdB (3GAB\
|(3cde (3dcB (3ABG\
|(3FGA (3DFA (3cBA|
   (3BGA (3Bdc (3ced\
|(3dgf (3gdB (3GAB\
|(3Edc (3BAG (3DGF\
|(3GBd (3gdB (3GBd\
|g2 B2 c2|
   d4 d2|c4 B2|:(3ADE (3FAG (3AcB\
|(3cAF (3DFA (3cBA\
|(3BGA (3Bdc (3ced\
|(3dgf (3gdB (3GAB|
   "(16)" (3Edc (3BAG (3DGF\
|(3GBA (3Bdc (3ced\
|(3dgf (3gdB (3GAB\
|(3cde (3dcB (3ABG\
|(3FGA (3DFA (3cBA|
   "(21)" (3BGA (3Bdc (3ced\
|(3dgf (3gdB (3GAB\
|(3Edc (3BAG (3DGF|[1. G2 B2 c2\
|d4 d2|c4 B2:|
  [2. (3GBd (3gdB (3GB^c]\
|(3dDE (3FA^G (3GBA\
|(3AcB (3cAE (3CDE\
|(3=Fdc (3dB^G (3E^FG|
   "(31)" (3AcB (3ced (3d=fe\
|(3ea^g (3aec (3ABc\
|(3=fed (3cBA (3EA^G\
|(3Ace a2 z2|
   "(35)" (3zcd (3eg=f (3g_ba\
|(3ac'=b (3c'a=f (3def\
|(3eg=f (3gec (3GA_B\
|(3Ac=B (3cA=F (3DEF
   "(39)" (3ECD (3EG^F (3GBA\
|(3BGA (3Bde (3ced\
|(3dgf (3gdB (3GAB\
|(3cde (3dcB (3ABG|
   "(43)" (3FDE (3FAG (3AcB\
|(3cAF (3DFA (3cBA\
|(3BGA (3Bdc (3ced\
|(3dgf (3gdB (3GAB|
   "(47)" (3Edc (3BAG (3DGF\
|(3GBd (3gdB (3GBd\
|(3=fdB (3GBd (3ecA\
|(3^FAc (3dBG (3EGB|
   "(51)" (3cAF (3DFA (3cBA\
|(3BGA (3Bdc (3ced\
|(3dgf (3gdB (3GAB\
|(3cde (3dcB (3ABG|
   "(55)" (3FGA (3DFA (3cBA\
|(3BGA (3Bdc (3ced\
|(3dgf (3gdB (3GAB\
|(3Edc (3BAG (3DGF| !fermata! G6 ||

T:Land of Hope and Glory
C: Edward Elgar
"D" d2d2 "A7/E" cd e2\
| "D/F#" B4 A4\
| "G" G2 G2 "D/A" FG A2\
| "E7/B" E6 "A" z2\
|"D" F2 F2 "E/D" ^G A2 B|
w: Land of Ho-pe and Glo-ry,\
   Mo-ther o-f the Free,\
   H-ow shall we ex
   "A/C#" e4 "F#m" A4\
|"Bm7" d2 d2 "E7" dc2B\
|"A" A6 "A7" z2\
|"D" d2 d2 "A7/E" cd e2\
|"D/F#" B4 A4|
w: tol thee,\
   who are bo-rn of thee?\
w: Wi-der st-ill and wi-der
   "G" G2 G2 "D/A" FG A2\
|"E7/B" E6 "A" z2\
|"D" F2 F2 "E/D" ^GA2B\
|"A/C#" e4 "F#m" A4\
|"G/B" g2 g2 "A7" gf2e|
w: shall thy bou-nds be set;\
   God, who ma-de thee migh-ty,\
   make thee mightier
  "D" f6 "D7" z2\
|"G" B2 B2 "A7/G" cd2 e\
|"D/F#" A4 "Bm" d4\
|"Em7" d2 d2 "A7" gf2e|"D" d6 z2||
w: yet,\
   God, who ma-de thee migh-ty,\
   make thee migh-ti-er yet.

T:Moon River
R:Henry Mancini - words by Johnny Mercer
%%sep 0.2cm 0.2cm 22cm
%%center Practice quiet overtones and high fingerings 
%%center upto and beyond top c. Note names under the lyrics
%%center Ask a friend to accompany you on guitar
%%sep 0.2cm 0.2cm 22cm
%%center . 
  "C" [G6!open!g']\
|"Am" [d2!open!d''] c4\
|"F" B3 A GF\
|"C/E" G4 C2\
|"F" B3 A GF\
|"C/E" G4 C2\
|"Bm7(b5)" D6\
|"E7" -D2 z2 E2|
w: Moon ri-ver wi-der than a mile. I'm\
   cross-ing you in style some day - old
w: g d c b a g f g c b a g f g c d - e
  "Am" C6\
|"C7/G" G2 E3 D|"F" C6\
|"Bm7(b5)" G2 E3 D\
|"Am" C2 E2 "Am7/G" G2\
|"F#m7(b5)" cB-"B7"-B3A\
|"Em7" BA "A7" -A3 G|
w: dream ma-ker, you heart break -er\
   wher-ev-er you're go-in\
   - I'm go-in your
  "Dm7 G9" A6\
|"C" G6\
|"Am" d2 c4\
|"F" B3 A GF\
|"C/E" G4 C2\
|"F" B3 A GF\
|"C/E" G4 C2\
|"Bm7(b5)" D6\
|"E7" -D2 z2 E2|
w: way Two\
   drift-ers off to see the world. \
   ther's such a lot of world to see\
   - We're 
  "Am" C6\
|"Am/G" E4 G2\
|"F#m7(b5)" c6\
|"F13" d4 c2\
|"C/E" G6|"F" -G2 BA GF\
|"C/E" G6|"F" -GC BA GF|
w: af-ter\   
   the same rain-bow's\
   end. - wait-in round the bend -\
   My huc-kle - ber-ry
  "C/E" G6\
|"Am" C6\
|"Dm7" F2 D4\
|"G9" -D4 E2\
|[1. "C" C6|-C4 z2:|[2. "Abmaj7" C6\
|"Dbmaj7" -C6| "C" !fermata!-C6 ||
w: friend. Moon Ri-ver - and me.

T:Morning Has Broken
C:Flute  G-major
R: Hymn 1931 Traditional Gaelic Melody
 G2 B2 d2 | [g6] | [a6]\
| [f2][e2][d2]|[e4]fe|[d6]|
w: Mor-ning has bro-ken\
   Like the first mo-r -ning
w: Sweet the rain new fall\
   sun set from hea - ven
G2 [A2][B2]|[d6]|e6\
   |[d2] [B2] [G2]| A6-|-A6|
w: black  bird has spo-ken\
   like the first bird -
w: like the first dew fall \
   on the first grass
d2 B2 d2|g6|e6\
   |d2 B2 G2|G6|[A6] |
w: Praise for the sing-ing\
   Praise for the morn-ing
w: Praise for the sweet-ness\
   of the wet gar-den 
w: Praise for them spring-ing \
   fresh from the Word!
w: sprung in com-plete-ness\
   where his feet pass

T:Old McDonald Has a Farm
R: Traditional
  "F" F2 F2 F2 C2\
|"Bb" D2 D2 "F" C4\
|"C" "e-" A2 "i-" A2 "e-" G2 "i-" G2\
|"F" "o-"  F4 z2 C2|
w: Old Mc Don-ald had a farm E I E I O - And
  "F" "on" F2 "that" F2 "farm" F2 "he" C2\
|"Bb" D2 D2 "F" C4|
w: on that farm he had a cow
  "C" A2 A2 G2 G2\
|"F" "o-"  F6 "with a" CC\
|F2F2 F2 CC | F2F2 F4|
w: E I E I O\
   With a moo moo here and a moo moo there
 FF F2 FF F2 | FF FF F2 F2\
|F2 F2 F2 C2 |D2 D2 C4|
w: Here a moo there a moo\
   Eve-ry where a moo moo\
   Old Mc-Don-ald had a farm
w: A B C 
  "C" A2 A2 G2 G2\
| "F" F6 z2|
w: E I E I O 

T:The Flute - Syncopated Notes
C:Otto Langey 34.
  z4 g4-|-g4 f4\
-f4 a4-|-a4 g4|-g4 b4|-b4 a4-|
 G8| A8 | d4 c4| B8 | G8 | g8|
  -a4 -d'4|-d'4 c'4-|-c'4 b4-|-b4 a4\
|-a4 g4|-g4 f4| g8|
 f8 | e4 a4| d4 g4| c4 f4| B4 e4| A4 d4| G8|

T:The Flute - Syncopated Notes
C:Otto Langey 35.
g2 g4 b2-|-b2 a4 c'2-\
|c'2 d4 c'2-\
|-c'2 b4 d'2\
|e' c'2 e'2 g2 e'\
|d' b2 d'2 g2 d'-|
B4 G4|d4 d4|f4 d4\
|g4 g4| c'2 c2 e2 c2\
|g2 g2 b2 g2|
-d' c'2 a2 b2 g\
|g b2 a a2 z2|a2 c'4 f2-\
|-f2 g4 b2-|-b2 a4 c'2-\
|-c'2 b4 d'2-|
a2 f2 g2 G2\
|d2 d2 d2 z2\
|d4 c4|B4 G4\
|d4 f4|g4 g4|
-d' f2 d' c' f2 c'-\
|-c' e2 c' b e2 b\
|a c'2 a2 f2 a-\
|-a c'2 f g2 z2||
^g2 g2 a2 a2\
|f2 f2 =g2 g2|c2 A2 d2 d2\
|c2 c2 B2 z2||

T:Pop! Goes the Weazel
Q: 160
G,| "C" C2 C "G" D2 D\
| "C" EGE C2 G,\
| C2 C "G" D2 D | "G" E3 E3|
 C2 C "G" D2 D\
| "C" EGE C3\
| "F" A3 "G" D2 F\
| "C" E3 C2 C|
 c2 c A2 c| BdB G2 G\
| c2 c A2 c| B3 G3|
 F2 E F2 G| A2 B c3\
| A3 D2 F| E3 Cz||

T:G Major
|:"G" "major scale" GABcde^fg \
| "Root" G8 |"Octave" g4G4:||

T:Do-Re-Mi - G-Major 
C: Page 1 of 2
CDEF | GABc | -c2z2 | 
w: 1.~do re mi fa so la ti do 
  Z3 | z2 G2\
|| G2 GG \
| AA B2 \
| G2 G2-\
| -G3 G|
w: Lets start at the\
   ver-y be-gin-ning ~ That's
  GG G2\
| A3 B\
| G4|-G2 GG\
| "G7" F2 FF\
| F2 F2 \
| "C" C2 D2\
| E2 EG|
w: a very good place to start.\
   ~ When you read you be-gin with\
   A B C When you
  "G7" F2 FF\
| "C" E2 D2\
| "C" c2 d2\
| "C" e4\
| "C" c2 d2\
| "C" e4|
w: sing you be-gin with Do Re Mi\
   Do Re Mi
|: "C" c3 d\
| e3 c\
| e2 c2\
| e4|
w: Do a deer a fe-male deer,
  "Dm" d3 e\
| ff ed\
| "F7" f4-|f4|
w: Re a drop of gol-den sun.
  "C" e3 f| g3 e\
| g2 e2 | g4|
w: Mi a name I call my-self.
  "F" f3 g|"C" aa gf \
| "Am" a4 |-a4||
w: Fa a long long way to run.
| g3c| de fg-|a4|z2 z2|
w: So a need-le pull-ing thread
  a3 d| ef ga |b4|z2 z2|
|| b3 e| fg ab |"C" c'4 | z2 c'b|
||a2 f2| b2 g2\
|c'2 g2 |e2 c2:|

T:Lower Neighbour Approaches
R:Dress each strong chord tone with a lower neighbour 
 "(AGFED)" A2 G2 F2 E2|D8\
|{_A}Aa {^F}Gg {E}Ff {_E}Ee|d8|
w: A G F E D
   {_A}A2 {^F}G2 {E}F2 {_E}E2\
|{_A}Aa {^F}Gg {E}Ff {_E}Ee|d8|
   {_A}A2 {^F}G2 {E}F2 {_E}E2|D8\
|{_A}aA {^F}gG {E}fF {_E}eE|d8|
  "A" {_A}A8 |"Bb" {A}_B8\
|"B" {_B}B8 |"C" {B}c8|
   "C#" {C}^C8 |"D" {^C}D8\
|"Eb" {=E}_E8|"E" {_E}=E8|
  "F" {=E}F8|"F#" {=F}^F8\
"G" {^F}=G8\
|"Ab" {=G}_A8|
  "Clock" =A2 =d2\
  G2 c2 F2 _B2 _E2\ 
  _A2 _d2\
  ^F2 ^c2 ^G2
  {_A}=A "Neighbours" {_d}=d \
  {^F}G {B}c {E}F {=B}_B {D}_E \ 
  {G}_A {B}_d \
  {=F}^F {=c}^c {=G}^G

T:The Entertainer 
C:Flute Trio
V:1 1st Flute 
!f! abge-efd2|z8|abge-efe^d|d2z2 d'2!mf!A^A|
z8|!f! ABGE-EFD2|ABGE-EFE^D|D2z2 f2z2|
z8|z8|!f! ABGE-EFE^D|D2z2 A2z2|
V:1 2nd Flute 
 Bg2B g2Bg-|g4-gga^a|bgab-bfa2|g6 A^A|
z2 !mf!B2 z2 G2|z2 e2 d2c^c\
|dBcd-dAc2|B2d2 d2z2|
!mf!G2z2 D2z2|c2z2B2z2\
|D2G2 D2F2|G2B2 B2z2|
V:1 3rd Flute
 Bg2B g2Bg- |-g4 -g2ed|^cegb-bage|a6 A^A|
z2 B2 z2 G2\
|z2 e2 d2GG\
G2z2D2z2|c2z2 B2_B2|A4 A2A2|d2D2 E2F2|

T:This Little Light of Mine
C:Tenor Sax
R:New Orleans Jam Book p874
%sep 0.2cm 0.2cm 10cm
%center | F | F | F | F7 | Bb | Bb | Bb | F |
%center | F | F | A7 | Dm | F | C7 | F | F |
%sep 0.2cm 0.2cm 10cm
  "[A]" "G" G2 GG G2 A2\
|G8|B2 BBB A3\
|"G7" G8|
w: This lit-tle light of mine\
   I'm gon-na let it shine
   "C" E2 GG G2 A2\
|G8|G2 GGG E3|"G" D8|
w: This litt-le light of mine\
   I'm gon-na let it shine
  "[B]" "G" D2 GG G2 a2\
|G8|"B7" B2 BBB A3|"Em" G4 GA3|
w: This lit-tle light of mine\
   I'm gon-na let it shine
   "G" B4 B B3\
|"D7" A4 B A3|"G" G8|-G2 z2 z4||
w: shine, let it shine, let it shine.

X: 1
T: Three Blind Mice
C: Clarinet or Flute 
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
R: Folk Song. 321 
K: D
  "(1)" [F3f] [E3e]| [D3d] z3\
|[F3f] [E3e]| [D3d] z3\
|[A3a] [G2g] [Gg]\
|[F3f] z3\
|[A3a] [Gg] [G2g]| [F3f] z2 [Aa]|
w: 3 2 1  - 3 2 1\
  - 5 4 4 3 - 5 4 4 3 
  "(3)" [d2d'] [dd'] [cc'][Bb][cc']\
|[d2d'] [Aa] [A2a] [Aa]\
|[dd'][dd'][dd'] [cc'][Bb][cc']\
|[d2d'] [Aa] [Aa][Aa][Aa]|
  [d2d'][dd'] [cc'][Bb][cc']\

X: 1
T: Vision On Trundle
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
R: Scale degrees and registers
K: C
C:Scale practice
%w: 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 4 3 4\
%   5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 5
  [K:E] "E" [Ee][^F^f] [^G^g][Aa]\
  [B2b] [^c2^c']\
|[Bb][Aa] [^G^g][Aa]\
 [Bb][Aa] [^G^g][^F^f]\
|[Ee][^F^f] [^G^g][Aa]\
 [B2b] [^c2^c']| [B8b8]|
   [e][^d] [^c][d] [e2] [^c2]\
|[B][A] [^G][A] [B2] [^G2]\
|[^F][E] [^F][^G] [B][A] [^G][^F]|[E8]||  
  [K:A] "A" [Aa][Bb] [^c^c'][dd']\
  [e2e'] [^f2^f']\
|[ee'][dd'] [^c^c'][dd']\
 [ee'][dd'] [^c^c'][Bb]\
|[Aa][Bb] [^c^c'][dd']\
[e2e'] [^f2^f']| [e8e'8]|
  [a][^g] [^f][g] [a2] [^f2]\
|[e][d] [^c][d] [e2] [^c2]\
|[B][A] [B][^c] [e][d] [^c][B]|[A8]||  
  [K:D] "D" [D][E]\
  [^F][G] [A2a] [B2b]\
|[A][G] [^F][G] [Aa][G] [^F][E]\
|[D][E] [^F][G] [A2a] [B2b] |[A8a]|
  [d][^c] [B][c] [d2d'] [B2b]\
|[A][G] [^F][G] [A2a] [^F2^f]\
|[E][D] [E][^F] [A][G] [^F][E]\
  [K:G] "G" [Gg][Aa]\
  [Bb][cc'] [d2d'] [e2e']\
|[dd'][cc'] [Bb][cc'] [dd'][cc'] [Bb][Aa]\
|[Gg][Aa] [Bb][cc'] [d2d'] [e2e']\
  [gg'][^f^f'] [ee'][ff'] [g2g'] [e2e']\
|[dd'][cc'] [Bb][cc'] [d2d'] [B2b]\
|[Aa][Gg] [Aa][Bb] [dd'][cc'] [Bb][Aa]\
|:[K:C] "C" [Cc][Dd] [Ee][Ff] [G2g] [A2a]\
|[Gg][Ff] [Ee][Ff] [Gg][Ff] [Ee][Dd]\
|[Cc][Dd] [Ee][Ff] [G2g] [A2a]|[G8g]|
  [cc'][Bb] [Aa][Bb] [c2c'] [A2a]\
|[Gg][Ff] [Ee][Ff] [G2g][E2e]\
|[Dd][Cc] [Dd][Ee] [Gg][Ff][Ee][Dd]|[C8c]||
|:[K:F] "F" [Ff][Gg] [Aa][_B_b] [c2c'] [d2d']\
|[cc'][_B_b] [Aa][_B_b] [cc'][_B_b] [Aa][Gg]\
|[Ff][Gg] [Aa][_B_b] [c2c'] [d2d']\
  [ff'][ee'] [dd'][ee'] [f2f'] [d2d']\
|[cc'][_B_b] [Aa][_B_b] [c2c'] [A2a]\
|[Gg][Ff] [Gg][Aa] [cc'][_B_b] [Aa][Gg] |[F8f]||

T:Melody Words
R:Melody strong tones. Not just passing neighbours
B: Everytime we say goodbye, Jingle Bells, Let it be
  "Note repeat"  c2 c2 c4 z2|cc | G4 G4
%Everytime we say goodbye
%God Save the King (John Bull, 1745)
%Jingle Bells (James Lord Pierpont, 1857)
%Happy Birthday to You (Mildred Hill, 1893)
%Let It Be (The Beatles, 1970)
%Candle in the Wind (Elton John, 1973)
w: Jin-gle Bells|Hap-py birth-day | God save 
 "Minor Second" G4 _A4
%As Time Goes By (Herman Hupfeld, 1931)
%White Christmas (Irving Berlin, 1954)
%A Hard Days Night (The Beatles, 1964)
%Jaws Theme (John Williams, 1975)
%Isn't She Lovely (Stevie Wonder, 1976)
%major second
%Frère Jacques (folk song)
%Silent Night (Franz Xaver Gruber, 1818)
%Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer (J. Marks, 1939)
%Autumn Leaves (Joseph Kosma, 1945)
%Never Gonna Give You Up (Rick Astley, 1987)
%minor third
%Greensleeves (folk song)
%O Canada (Calixa Lavallée, 1880)
%Georgia on My Mind (Hoagy Carmichael, 1930)
%What the World Needs Now (Burt Bacharach, 1965)
%Axel F (Beverly Hills Cop, 1985)
%major third
%Spring (Antonio Vivaldi, 1721-25)
%For He's a Jolly Good Fellow (folk song)
%Oh, when the Saints (folk song)
%Morning has Broken (folk song)
%What a Wonderful World (George Douglas, 1967)
%perfect fourth 
%We Wish You a Merry Christmas (folk song)
%Amazing Grace (John Newton, 1773)
%Someday My Prince Will Come (F. Churchill, 1937)
%Love Me Tender (Elvis Presley, 1956)
%Black or White (Michael Jackson, 1991)
%Maria – chorus (Leonard Bernstein, 1956)
%The Simpsons Theme (Danny Elfman, 1989)
%The Saint (Edwin Astley, 1997)
%Scarborough Fair (folk song)
%Byssan lull (folk song)
%Can't Help Falling in Love (Elvis Presley, 1961)
%Perhaps Love (John Denver, 1981)
%Top Gun Anthem (Harold Faltermeyer, 1986)
%minor sixth
%Go Down Moses (folk song)
%Waltz in C-sharp minor (Frédéric Chopin, 1847)
%In My Life – intro (The Beatles, 1965)
%A Town With An Ocean View (Joe Hisaishi, 1989)
%Close Every Door (Andrew Lloyd Webber, 1991)
%major sixth
%My Bonnie Lies over the Ocean (folk song)
%Nocturne in E-flat major (Frédéric Chopin, 1830)
%La traviata (Giuseppe Verdi, 1853)
%My Way (Frank Sinatra, 1969)
%Only Love (Nana Mouskouri, 1985)
%minor seventh
%Maman les p'tits bateaux (folk song)
%Somewhere (Leonard Bernstein, 1957)
%Theme from Star Trek (Alexander Courage, 1966)
%The Winner Takes It All – chorus (ABBA, 1980)
%major seventh
%Fantasy Island Theme (John Ottman, 1977)
%Take on Me – chorus (A-ha, 1984)
%Popular (Nada Surf, 1996)
%Don't Know Why (Norah Jones, 2002)
%Singin' in the Rain (Nacio Brown, 1929)
%Over The Rainbow (Harold Arlen, 1939)
%The Christmas Song (Robert Wells, 1945)
%Blue Bossa (Kenny Dorham, 1963)
%Ironic (Alanis Morissette, 1996)
  "Octave" "1-8-4" C2 c4 A2|-A8\
||"1-4" C2 F2 z2 z2\
|"1-3-5-8-9" C2 E2 G2 | c6| d4 z2|
w: Fla-min-go||a-way\
   | mor-ning-has bro-ken|
  C2 "Tone" D2 E2 F2 |E2 D2 C4\
|c2 "Semitone" B2 A2 G2 |F4 z4|
w: Un-to us a child is born.\
   Fly me to the moon

T:Melody Words 
R:Condsider just the first two notes of each phrase.
R:Compare with the matching ascending interval.
"minor second" "Semi-tone" \
%Joy to the World (Isaac Watts, 1719)
  "D"[d2D] "G"[cD]>[BD] "D" [A3D] z\
  |d3 ^c B2 AG-
w: Joy to the world! |fly me to the moon
%Für Elise (Ludwig van Beethoven, 1810)
%Fly Me to the Moon (Frank Sinatra, 1954)
%All My Loving (The Beatles, 1963)
%Fields of Gold (Sting, 1993)
%major second
%The First Noel (folk song)
%Mary Had a Little Lamb (folk song)
%Eight Days a Week (The Beatles, 1964)
%Yesterday (The Beatles, 1965)
%Wonderwall (Oasis, 1995)
%minor third
%The Star-Spangled Banner (Francis Key, 1814)
%Morning Mood (Peer Gynt, 1875)
%Frosty the Snowman (Walter Rollins, 1950)
%Hey Jude (The Beatles, 1968)
%They Don't Care About Us (Michael Jackson, 1996)
%major third
%Swing Low, Sweet Chariot (folk song)
%Symphony No. 5 (Ludwig van Beethoven, 1804)
%Summertime (George Gershwin, 1935)
%Giant Steps (John Coltrane, 1960)
%Tears In Heaven (Eric Clapton, 1991)
%O Come, All Ye Faithful (John Wade, 1751)
%Eine kleine Nachtmusik (W.A. Mozart, 1787)
%I've Been Working on the Railroad (folk song)
%Shave and a Haircut (folk song)
%All of Me (Gerald Marks, 1931)
%Blue 7 (Sonny Rollins, 1956)
%Turn Back, O Man (Godspell, 1971)
%YYZ (Rush, 1981)
%Even Flow (Pearl Jam, 1991)
%Minuet in G (Christian Petzold, 1725)
%The Way You Look Tonight (Dorothy Fields, 1936)
%Have You Met Miss Jones? (Richard Rodgers, 1937)
%Flintstones Theme (Hoyt Curtin, 1961)
%Love Will Keep You Warm (Swan Lee, 2004)
%minor sixth
%Forêts paisibles (Jean-Philippe Rameau, 1735)
%Chega de Saudade (Antonio Carlos Jobim, 1957)
%Love Story Theme (Francis Lai, 1970)
%You're Everything (Chick Corea, 1973)
%major sixth
%Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen (folk song)
%A Weaver of Dreams (Nat King Cole, 1925)
%The Music of the Night (Andrew L. Webber, 1986)
%Man in the Mirror – chorus (Michael Jackson, 1988)
%No Surprises (Radiohead, 1997)
%minor seventh
%An American in Paris (George Gershwin, 1951)
%Watermelon Man (Herbie Hancock, 1962)
%Lady Jane – chorus (Rolling Stones, 1966)
%major seventh
%I Love You (Cole Porter, 1944)
%Willow Weep For Me (Ann Ronell, 1932)
%Doogie Howser Theme (Mike Post, 1989)
%Todos los días un poco (León Gieco, 1993)
%To Zanarkand (Uematsu, 2002)

T:Rhythm Words
R:Rhythm in Words
 (3GBd g2 (3GBd G2 |
w: sat-ur-day came sat-ur-day went
  C e2 g2 z z2\
|C e2 g2 z z2|
w: Tic-kets please Tic-kets please
  Cz eg z g z2  C2 eg -g2 z2|
w: Bad ba-na-nas More bis-cuits
 zC Eg G2 G2 | G4 z4|
w: Um-bre-lla in the rain

X: 1
T: C Major Notes 
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
C: Flute Note Names
K: C
 "g" G2 "a" A2 "b" B2 "c" c2 \
| "d" d2 "e" e2 "f" f2  "g" g2 \
| "c" c2 "d" d2 "e" e2 "f" f2\
| "g" g2 "a" a2 "b" b2  "c" c'2 |
w: Start on the 5th, up to the 5th
w: Notes C major but range G to G 
 G4 B4 | F4 A4| c4 e4| c4 g4|
T: From the 1st note C, play Do-Re-Mi 
 "Middle register" "c" c2 "d" d2\
 "e" e2 "f" f2 \
| "g" g2 "a" a2 "b" b2 "c" c'2|
 "Lower register" "c" C2 "d" D2\
 "e" E2 "f" F2 \
| "g" G2 "a" A2 "b" B2 "c" c2|
T: C-Major I IV & V 
V: 1
 "Triad chords" "G" "V7"\
  [G4Bd] "F" "IVmaj7" [F4Ac]\
| "C" "I" [c8ge] | 
 G2B2 F2A2| G2B2 c4 |
T: Diatonic Ladder. Up Two, down one 
 "Starting on 5" G2B2 A2 c2 | B2 d2 c4|
w: 5 7 6 8 7 9 8 
 G8 | c8|

X: 1
T: C Major Patterns 
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
C: Bach in Style
K: C
  "1"G"&"B"2"A"&"G "3"G"&"B"4"A"&"G\
| "1"G"&"A"2"G"&"B "3" z2 "4" z2\
| "1"G"&"B"2"A"&"G-G"&"B"4"A"&"G\
| -G"&"A"2"G"&"B "3" z2 "4" z2|
w: Count - eigh-ts to get the rhy-thm
  G2 B2 D2 F2|G2 B2 d2 B2\
| G2 B2 D2 F2|G2 B2 d2 f2|
K: C
 "1"g"&"e"2"d"&"e "3"g"&"e"4"d"&"B\
| "1"g"&"e"2"d"&"B "3" G2 "4" z2\
| "1"g"&"e"2"d"&"e "3"g"&"e"4"d"&"B\
| "1"g"&"e"2"d"&"B "3" G2 "4" z2|
w: Count
 G2 B2 D2 F2|G2 B2 d2 B2\
| G2 B2 D2 F2|G4 z4|
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