8 Music Sheets In Moondance

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🏡 Just the Tunes Music Pads

Here's your music sheets for pad Moondance Click a music sheet to view the music with a print button at the bottom. Any matching Audio will be picked up by the music sheet viewer. You can record yourself playing a tune and submit an mp3 file to appear alongside your tune. Just email it to us until the members downloads section caters for this

To make a big book from all these tunes, follow the PDF build steps below.


Make the PDF Tune Book

The ABC text is already and waiting in the link at the bottom of this page. No need to copy and paste anything. The whole tune book will be posted through. Just read some of this help if you want to sort the tunes or change anything.

We have all the ABC text for this pad ready to send directly into the PDF tool. If you only want to print one music sheet, you need to click on that tune and find the draw the dots link on that tune sheet.

If you want to edit only one tune, click on that tune and then click the draw the dots link for just that tune. A whole pad will blow the limits of draw the dots, so don't try pasting in the whole set of tunes to draw the dots.

Final edits to the ABC text can be done in the textarea of the form or in the pdf generator tool itself. Best not to edit the actual notes here, because that should be already correct. Just edit the tune header tags that order the tunes. For example; each tune has a set running order tag line X:1 which is the list number. Change that to X:2 for the second tune in your set list. If you mess up your edits, just check the option Reset Session and the whole tune list will be reselected from scratch.

Make adjustments in the PDF tool such as changing the tune order by numbering the X:1 so that the 2nd tune is set to X:2
not all X:1

If all tunes are X:1 the PDF will have the tunes in alphabetical order when you click the Export to PDF button in that tool.

Clear view of the current ABC text
%pdfname moondance-2025-02-10 
%pdfquality 0.5 

%addtitle Moondance  
%addsubtitle Mon 10th Feb 2025 18pm by Visitor
%addsortedindex Moondance - Tune Index

%pdfbuilderuser Visitor
%pdfbuilddata 2025:02:10:

%pageheader Elms Vale Music Club CT17 9LS
%pagefooter Club Page https://www.englishtap.com/podcasts/ElmsValeMusic?doorkey=2025 

%addtoc Moondance Contents
%addtitle Moondance


X: 1
T: Bloomdido 
C: Piano Chords
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
R: C-Blues
K: Bb
|: "Bb" _BcBG z2 zB|"Eb7" d2 fc z F z d \
| "Bb" _BcBG _ed_B_A \
| "Bb7" zg zf c_A _G=G|
  "Eb7" f_e _BG _Bz z_d-\
| "Ebm" -_d2 _B_G c_B =GF\
| "Bb" z2 z_B =A z z c \
| "Dbm Gb7" ^fe (3B^G_e z2 z ^c | 
  "Cm" =cG z =A c_B=AG\
| "F7" _G_Bcd _ec d_e \
| "Bb" (3d1/2e1/2d1/2 _B2 eB de (3d1/2e1/2d1/2 eB \
| "Bb" e2 z2 z4 :|

%%%sep 0.2cm 0.2cm 7cm
%%%center Fmaj7 | / | G7(b5) | / | 
%%%sep 0.2cm 0.2cm 7cm
|: "[A]" "Gmaj7" zD2 E F G2 F-\
|-F E2 ^D-D E2 G-\
|"A7(b5)" -G _E2 E-E4-|-E8|
  "Am7" z=E2 F G A2 G-\
|"D7" -G F2 ^E-E F2 d-\
|"Bm7(b5)" -d =F2 F-F4-|"E7(b9)" -F8|
  [1. "Am7" zEdc BA2 c-]\
|"B7(b9)" -c B2 ^E-E ^G-\
|"E7"-G B2 ^G-G E2 =F-|"E7(b9)" -F8|
  "A7(b9)" z_B2 A G E2 B-|-B A2 G-G E2 G-\
|"Abmaj7" -G _E2 E-E4|"(D7(b9))"-E4 z4:|
 [2. "Am7" zd2 c B A2 c-]\
|"Cm6" -cB2 A-A G2 B\
|A ^F2 A-A4|"F#7(#9)" -A8|
  "Bmaj7" z2 F^G F G2 F-\
|"Cdim7" -F E2 ^D-D E2 F\
|"C#m7" -F8|"F#7" -F4 z^D2 F-||
  "[B]" "Bmaj7" -F ^G2 F-F G2 F-\
|"Cdim7" -F2 E^D-D E2 F-\
|"C#m7" -F ^C2 F-F4|"F#7" -F4 z4|
  "Bmaj7" zF2 ^G ^A B2 ^c-\
|"G#m7" -c B2 ^D-D E2 F-\
|"C#m7"-F ^G2 F-F G2 F-\
|"F#7" -F4 zF2 A-|
 "Dmaj7" -A B2 A-A B2 A-\
|"D#dim7" -A2 GF-F G3\
|"Em7" A2 EA-AE A2-|"A7" -A4 zEAB|
 "Am7" cB2 c-c B2 d-|"Fm6" -d c2 B-B c2 A\
|"A7" -A8|"D7(b9)"-A4 z4||
  "[C]" "Gmaj7" zD2 E F G2 F-\
|-F E2 ^D-D E2 G-\
|"A7(b5)" -G _E2 E-E4|E8|
  "Am7" z=E2 F G A2 G-\
|-G F2 ^E-E F2 e-\
|"Bm7(b5)" -e3 _ed_d2 c-\
|"E7" -c e3-e2 B2|
 "Am7" d3 c B A2 c-\
|"Cm6" -c B2 A-A G2 B-\
|"Gmaj7" -B4-B F2 A-\
|"Em7 (A7)" -A4 z2 EF|
   "(Am7) A7" GGGG GG3\
|zE2 FG2 G2|"F9"G3 G G G2 d-\
|-d c3-c2 EF|
  "A7" GGGG GG2 G-\
|"Am7" -G2 F^E-"D7"-EF2 A-\
|"G6"-A G2 G-G4| "(D7)" z8||

T:Footprints (Wayne Shorter) Saxophone 
!segno!|: "[A1]" "Dm7" c'2 c'2 c'2\
| c' d'3-d'b\
| (4c'bag\
| e4 d2|
| z2 z2 z e-\
| e4 d2\
| z2 z2 ze-\
| -e4 d2!fine!||
|| "[A2]" "Gm7" c'2 c'2 c'2\
| c' d'3-d'c'\
| (4f'2e'2d'2c'2 \
| a4 g2|
| (4c'2=b2a2g2\
| e4 d2\
| z2 z2 ze-\
| -e4 d2||
|| "Bridge" "E13" ^c'3 c' -c'c'\
| "A9" ^c' e'3-e'a\
| "F#m7(b5)" =c'4-c'=b1/2_b1/2\
| "B7" a4 (3da_a|
| "Dm7" g6-|-g6|-g4 z2 | z6 !D.S.alfine! ||

X: 1
T:Four in F
  z4 z CDE\
|:"F7" zCDE zCDE|zGFE zCD_E|"Fm7"-_E8|
  "Bb7" z4 z FGA\
|"Gm7"z FGA z FGA|z c_BA zFG_A-\
  "Eb7"z4 GA_B=B\
|"F7/A" c4 FAc_d\
|"Ab-7 Db7" z _G3F4\
|"G-7" z d3 "C7"c2 BA-\
|-A4 z4 z GA=B|
 "1" c4 FAc_d-\
|_d2 _G2-F4|zd3c2 _BA-|-A4 z CDE :|
  "2" c2 Ac _d _G F\
|=d2 _BG e2 cf |z4 :|

X: 1
T: Game of Thrones
C: Flute
M: 3/4
L: 1/8
R: Stick to solid 3/4
K: Am
  "Am" e6|A6\
|cd e4\
  A6|"F" -A6\
|"C" G6\
| "Dm" F6|-F6|"Am"E6|"(40)"-E6||
| "F" c6|"G" B6\
| "Am" A6\
|-A6|-A6|"(48)"-A2 z2z2||

X: 1
T: Grand Large (Flute)
C: Flute
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
R: Didier Malherbe - Decide on the form and solos 
K: C
 "Intro Dm" z8|"C" z8| "Dm" z8 | "C" z8|
  "[A]" "1. D" d'a d4 dd'\
|"C" c'g c4 cc'|"Bb" _bf_B4_B_b  |"A" a8|
  "5. D" d'a d4 dd'\
|"C" c'g c4 cc'|"Bb" _bf_B4_B_b  |"A" A8|
  |: "[B]" "Dm" A2 FD "Edim" _B2 GE\
|"F" c2 AF "G" d2 z2\
|"Gm" d2 _BG "Am" e2cA|"Dm" f2 edc_B z2|
  "Dm" A2 FD "Edim" _B2 GE\
|"F" c2 AF "G" d2 z2\
|"Gm" d2 _BG "Am" e2cA |"Fdim" f2 ed c2 _B2 :|
  "[C]" "Dm" (3DFA "Gm" (3G_Bd "C"\
(3ceg "F" (3fcA|"Dm"(3DFA\
"Gm"(3G_Bd "C"(3ceg "F"f2|
  "Cm" (3DFA (3G_Bd "Gm"\
(3ceg (3fcA |"Dm"(3DFA "Gm"(3G_Bd\
|[1. "C" c2 z2  z2 z2 :|\
 [2. "C" !fermata! ^c8 ||
|: "[D]" "Dm" (3DFA "Gm" (3G_Bd "C"\
(3ceg "F" (3fcA|"Dm"(3DFA "Gm"(3G_Bd "C"(3ceg "F"f2 |
  "Cm" (3DFA (3G_Bd "Gm"\
(3ceg (3fcA |"Dm"(3DFA "Gm"(3G_Bd "F"f4|

X: 1
T: Grand Large (Tenor Sax)
R: Tenor Sax
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: D
C: Malherbe
  "Intro Em" z8|"D" z8| "Em" z8 | "D" z8|
  "Em" e8|"D"d8|"Em"e8|"D"d8|
|:"[A] E"e8|"D"d8|"C"c8|"B"b8:|
  |:"[B] Em"e4"F#dim"^f4\
  |:"[C]Em" e2 "Am"A2 "D"d2 "G"G2\
|"Em" e2 "Am"A2 "D"d2 "G"G2\
|"Em"e2 "Am"A2"D"D4:|

X: 1
T: The Chicken - (Piano Chords)
C: Piano Chords
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: Bb
R: 16 bars
  "Bb" [_B,8_A8]\
|"Bb7" [_B,8_A8]\
|"Bb7" [_B,8_A8]\
|"Bb7" [_B,8_A8]\
||"Eb7" [_E8_d8]|"Eb7" [_E8_d8]\
|"D7" [D8c8] | "G7" [G8f8]|
    "C9" [C8d8]\
|"C9" [C8d8]\
|"C9" [C8d8]\
|"N/C" z8\
|| "Bb7" [_B,8_A8] |"Bb7" [_B,8_A8]\
|"Bb7" [_B,8_A8] |"Bb7" [_B,8_A8] ||

Edit Your X:1 X:2 sort order then submit to load the PDF Button with your ABC Data.

Whatever ABC text you paste in the textarea below will be used to make your PDF tune book.

reset session will rebuild the ABC text from the selected pad tunes.

Your Pad is in the textarea.

When you are happy with the tunes and the tune ordering. Load the Eskin PDF Tool into a new tab by clicking below

The End - Just the JS fiddle below here to fix the Tool Link

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